Archive Post 2: Updates

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Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

We are pleased to let you know that the Archives Subteam has started to share its scans, collections, and data. With the occasion of the upcoming Diwālī Celebrations, the subteam would like to offer to the Lotus Feet of our Divine Mother a new data archive table which will gradually grow to thousands of items.
Please kindly have a look at the link Table
The first estimate is between 4,000 and 21,000 items. Gradually, it will be developed more and more.
First priority will be given to new materials received or scanned.
We thank you in advance for any help, support, feedback, or contribution of files and data. Please kindly write to us at

The Archives Subteam of the Comprehensive Compilations Team