Archive Post 4: First Annual Report

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Our subteam has started contributing to the Archives of the database via specific posts (so far 5 pdf files in 2 specific posts, on Divine Cool Breeze Magazine and on Letters and Press Releases) and via the table at the link Data Table, which currently has 1,280 rows and which is projected that in due time will have a number of rows between 4,000 and 21,000. About 150 total specific posts are envisioned and we will gradually reach there.

First Summary of the 14 numerical indices.
i. Rows of the Table: 1,280.
ii. Organized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,301.
iii. Estimated unorganized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,500.
iv. Specific posts: 2.
v. Estimated specific posts to be started: 148.
vi. Total links: 146.
vii. External Links: 141 (DCB: 141).
viii. CCT Links: 5.
ix. Total files uploaded: 5.
x. Total pages uploaded: 78.
xi. Other files (originals, received, etc.) uploaded: 0.
xii. Other pages uploaded: 0.
xiii. Files scanned and cropped by CCT: 5.
xiv. Pages scanned and cropped by CCT: 78.

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam