Archive Post 18: Second Annual Report

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Here is the progress made in the last year (since the first annual report on 2023-0316), in relation to the Data Table and the Archive Posts.

Second Summary of the 14 numerical indices.
i. Rows of the Table: 1,932 (an increment of 652 rows, i.e., of 1.7814 rows per day).
ii. Organized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,228 (a decrement of 73).
iii. Estimated unorganized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,500 (no change).
iv. Specific posts: 15 (an increment of 13).
v. Estimated specific posts to be started: 135.
vi. Total links: 1,160 (an increment of 1,014).
vii. External Links: 680 (DCB: 141, SDL: 539) (an increment of 539).
viii. CCT Links: 480 (Collections: 466, CCT: 14) (an increment of 475, Collections: 466, CCT: 9).
ix. Total files uploaded (not including versions): 480 (an increment of 475).
x. Total pages uploaded or linked: 23,677 (an increment of 23,599).
xi. Other files (originals, received, etc.) uploaded (not counting versions): 458.
xii. Other pages uploaded: 2,908 (from the 458 files, an increment of 2,908).
xiii. Files scanned and cropped by CCT: 22 (an increment of 17).
xiv. Pages scanned and cropped by CCT: 213 (an increment of 135 pages).

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam