Divine Events Post 1: 5,001 Divine Events Started

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

We are pleased to mention that Step 6, Divine Events, has now 5,001 Divine Events started and are searchable on one single webpage at the link Tags of the Divine Events. Among these 5,001 Divine Events, 4,938 are from the Divine Message, Version 9.2 (which will be shared today), and 63 others have been started either just by chance or as samples that emerged naturally.
As of today, among these 5,001 Divine Events, only extremely few (less than 10) have extra content besides detailed titles.
Already there are 7,897 other Divine Events tabulated, partially organized, and queued for being started: we are aiming to start them at the rate of +1 per day for the next 20 years.
Priority will be given to the start of new Divine Events: all those which will be started from now on will have some relevant content (comments, recollections, sources, key quotes, files, etc.) and not just titles. So, as the current 5,001 have transcripts or quotes started in Divine Message or on other databases (such as NVA or SDL) or sources, when opportunities arise (such as via requests received or communications), relevant content (comments, recollections, sources, key quotes, files, etc.) will be added to some of them from time to time.
The annual reports will start in 2024. Until then, some color usage and extra features will be explored, and in a couple of weeks a few samples will be shared via a similar post.
We estimate that there will be between 16K to 108K Divine Events when the step 6 will be essentially completed.
Everyone is invited and welcome to add new or contribute to started Divine Events at any time via emails or messages: ideally, with substantial collective support, we can dream and hope to reach a rate of +10 per day Divine Events started for the next 20 years.
Please keep in mind that each contributor to a new Divine Event can as well choose the colors for the rows of it (2 or more colors to be chosen from the current 140 colors available).
Please kindly share the news with all our brothers and sisters.

The Comprehensive Compilations Team (CCT)