Divine Message, Version 1

4 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis,

We would like to share with all of you the Database of Transcripts/Quotes we have been working on since one year: the pdf file Divine Message, Version 1 is available at the link Version 1

Please kindly share it with all our brothers and sisters. This can be done by either sharing this link or by downloading the file and then e-mailing it as an attachment.

We aimed to put together improved versions of all the databases/sources available, including the 1,390 transcripts/quotes available as of today on www.amruta.org

As we have received multiple inquiries on when the file will be shared publicly, it has been decided to share the file now even if we are still left to work on several databases/sources. The file could and ought to be used to correct and enlarge all databases/sources.

We would like to thank all those who directly and indirectly have contributed to the Database of Transcripts/Quotes and we apologize to all those who have shared materials with us but we did not have time to compile the relevant data from them into this Version 1.

New versions will be made available every six months: each January and each July (towards the ends, only this Version 1 is exceptionally shared at the very beginning of a month).

We would be most happy to receive comments, suggestions for improvement, help, and/or new transcripts.

We would like to reiterate that our team is small and independent and as such it checks its e-mails mainly only when it prepares new posts or when transcripts are in process. But please be assured that all comments/suggestions/helps/new materials will receive our full attention, gratitude, and acknowledgement.

Jai Shri Mataji

The Comprehensive Compilations Team

PS. Here are a few additional points:

  1. The hyperlinks allow in just three clicks and a very brief scrolling down/up to move from one event to any other event. The hyperlinks look neat on Mac and on Google Chrome (Adobe Reader on windows often adds boxes to them which are less neat).
  2. Many talks are interlinked via hyperlinks.
  3. We were hesitant to add the four books. But we were told that ‘Meta Modern Era’ is available for free on Kindle, that versions of `The Book of Adi Shakti’ are available at http://mothersfirstbook.blogspot.com.au/, and that pdf files of the other two books are widely circulated. Our hesitations were completely removed when we found in a letter from NIPC the following text “It is the fundamental and inalienable right of every Sahaja Yogi to access the full and complete knowledge of Shri Mataji in its unadulterated form, exactly as She communicated it to Her audience.”
  4. The IAST has not been completed: only about 90\% (the most used Sanskrit words have been uniformly written using IAST, except when part of written notes/letters/etc in English; few exceptions will be adjusted in Version 2).
  5. It is expected that the number of Events with Transcripts/Quotes will be well above 5,000. This means that the current file represents only about 40\% of the what one would call the Complete Divine Message of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
  6. Putting aside the boldface, in this Version 1 we refrained from using more than one font (except for `The Book of Adi Shakti’) as it was felt that more inputs/agreement on fonts would be required.
  7. Same about colors: the usage of colors (applied uniformly) has been so far restricted to the very minimum as more inputs are required.
  8. The attached file has a very slim margin so that the number of pages is reduced (with a more standard margin, the file would have had over 13,000 pages).
  9. The missing parts are marked either with …… (six dots) or as MISSING.
  10. There are about 10,000 UNCLEAR tiny parts, and many-many GAPS or …… or MISSING. Plenty of opportunities for bhakti in front of us: please join in!