Divine Message, Version 9

3 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

We would like to share with you all the up-dated Database of Transcripts/Quotes we have been studying-researching since Divine Message, Version 8.2 was posted on June 5, 2023. The pdf file Divine Message, Version 9 can be viewed and then downloaded at the link Version 9

Please kindly share the link with all our brothers and sisters.
If you are part of some project which has a public platform (such as a web-site) and some Sahaja Yogis or Sahaja Yoginīs involved in that project would like to use parts of the Divine Message (any version), please kindly consider finding a way to refer on that public platform to

We would like to thank all of you who have contributed in various ways to the Database of Transcripts/Quotes. For more contributions, ideas, suggestions, and help in any way, please write to us at sahajayoga.compilations@gmail.com

I. Primarily aimed at:
Sahaja Yogis, Sahaja Yoginīs and Seekers of Truth.

II. Numerical Data on Divine Message, Version 9:
1. has 19,739 pages (an increment of 397 pages from Version 8);
2. contains 4,821 events started (an increment of 104 from Version 8);
3. contains 374 figures (an increment of 75 from Version 8);
4. contains 121 footnotes (an increment of 7 from Version 8);
5. has a size of 323.9 mb.

III. Key features.
21. Smaller parts extractions for Drawings, English Letters, Hindi Letters, Marathi Letters that can be shared immediately without having to wait for the entire versions.

IV. Older and current database versions (the older versions ought to be used only for getting ideas how to correct the current versions or for comparisons)
Divine Message
00. current, Version 9 (2023-0730)
01. older, Version 8.2 (2023-0605)
02. older, Version 8.1 (2023-0519)
03. older, Version 8 (2023-0319)
04. older, Version 7.2 (2022-1209)
05. older, Version 7.1 (2022-0918)
06. older, Version 7 (2022-0723)
07. older, Version 6.1 (2022-0424)
08. older, Version 6 (2022-0211)
09. older, Version 5.2 (2021-1213)
10. older, Version 5.1 (2021-1014)
11. older, Version 5 (2021-0815)
12. older, Version 4.3 (2021-0620)
13. older, Version 4.2 (2021-0501)
14. older, Version 4.1 (2021-0307)
15. older, Version 4 (2021-0110)
16. older, Version 3.2 (2020-1111)
17. older, Version 3.1 (2020-0913)
18. older, Version 3 (2020-0718)
19. older, Version 2 (2017-0203)
20. older, Version 1 (2016-0701)
Nirmala Vidya Amruta
21. future
22. current (2023-0730)
23. older (2023-0604)
24. older (2023-0519)
25. older (2023-0319)
26. older (2022-1211)
27. older (2022-0918)
28. older (2022-0717)
29. older (2022-0206)
30. older (2021-0601)
31. older (2021-0501)
32. older (2021-0305)
33. older (2021-0108)
34. older (2020-1101)
35. older (2020-0911)
36. older (2020-0717)
37. older (2020-0101)
38. older (2019-0111)
39. older (2018-0129)
40. older (2017-0214)
41. older (2017-0111)
42. older (2016-0321)
Sahaja Digital Library
43. older

V. Your support.
Your kind support for the other teams (Quotes on Incarnations Team, Scriptures Team, and Yearly Topics Team) which have become dynamic would be very much appreciated.

VI. Current study-research flow.
1. Intensive: about 1,885 events with transcripts started.
2. Gradual: other 2,936 events with transcripts started.
3. Queued: additional 7,890 events among which many hundreds will become events with transcripts.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Comprehensive Compilations Team (the Divine Message Subteam) https://linktr.ee/comprehensivecompilationsteam