1976-0300 Arrival, Formal Reception Honoring the Appointment of Rustom Khushro Shapoorjee Ghandhi as Vice Admiral and Cheif of Personnel at Naval Headquarters, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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CommentsC1. 2024-1204. E-mail reply from Yogi Mahajan to CCT: This is a photo [08, 3rd Photo below] in honor of admiral Gandhi being appointed admiral of Indian navy. His wife is next to Sir CP. It is Bombay.

SourcesS1. Photos. Link to the gallery to which they were uploaded on 2024-1205: Collection 1976.S2. Two photos Moments of Joy. Link to the gallery to which they were uploaded on 2024-1205: Collection Moments of Joy.

Chronological UpdatesCU1 on 2024-1207: Added C1.