2019 Guru Purnima

7 minute read



"Today is a pūrnimā day, ‘pūrnimā’ means the complete moon. The guru has to be a complete personality to talk about these Statutes and to elevate his disciples to this level of understanding, by which they imbibe those Statutes. He is there to fulfill this gap, and for that it is essential that every guru has to be a realized Soul of a very high quality and greatly evolved. He need not be a person who is an ascetic, or he need not be a person who is living in the forest. He could be a common householder, he could be a king. All these outward manifestations of one’s life do not matter. Whatever may be your position, I would say the so-called position in this world makes no difference to your being a guru, as long as you have imbibed the Statutes of the Lord. Again, I say you have to imbibe the Statutes."
1980-0727 Guru Pūjā , Temple of all Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK

Gurū Param’ātmā Pareshu
The Guru is the Supreme Spirit, God Almighty

Guru Ashtakam

"So to begin with we must understand that Spirit is described as a kalā, as a phase of Moon, one phase of Moon. But a guru’s described as the Full Moon, Pūrṇimā, Guru Pūrṇimā. Guru is the Full Moon, it’s not just a phase. So from one phase you have to go to the stage where you become a complete guru.
Sixteen phases there are, altogether, and you have to cross the sixteen stages to become the guru. Now how do we do it? We have to be extremely objective about it. How do we become guru? Because we have to become gurus, no doubt. Now you cannot just say that, ‘Mother You give us a tape and we learn by heart and we go to another person say blah blah blah blah blah.’ Same thing whatever I’ve told you, or take My tape and show them that ‘this is our Mother, and She’s like this and like that and like that.’ But they will say, "All right, She might be, but what about you, sir?"
Now Sahaj Yoga has a very big responsibility, which I don’t think people understand. I wish they could listen to Me very intensely and understand it. So far if you see, gurus remained gurus and no disciples became gurus. They were still regarded as disciples of a guru, whether it was fake or anything. They never became gurus themselves. So there was no need for them to grow, they had to take the name of their guru, all right. Christ had His disciples; Muhammad Sāhib had His own disciples; Nāṇak had His own disciples; Śhirḍī Sāī Nāth had His own disciples. None of them became gurus. But now it is in your lot, sorry to say, that you have to become the gurus. It’s a privilege, actually. It’s a very great privilege to become the guru. And to become the guru, we must learn what we have to do."

1982-1101 Śhrī Guru Nāṇaka Jayanti Pūjā, Nirmala Palace Āśhram, Nightingale Lane, Balham, South West London, UK

Today is the day of Guru Pūrnimā, this is a full Moon day, that’s why it is called as Pūrnimā.
The guru has to be like a full moon, means completely growing, completely matured.

1979-0708 Guru Pūjā, Hamilton Road, Dollis Hill, North London, UK
Aum Twamev Sakshat Shri Nishkala Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai Namo Namah
The one without any phases (hence he is celebrated on a Purnima day, a full moon

"On the day of Guru Pūrnimā, that in this life I have become a Guru. I had not done this type of work in any other lifetime. It is the first time that I have done the work of the Guru. Maybe it is because the Mother has to be the Guru. This is a matter of the Kali Yuga. That is why the tremendous Shakti of the Divine which must flow from the heart of a mother, and by Her grace and compassion the Kuṇḍalinī should be treasured and it should be taken to that top where She in Her glory, Her Joy, and Her splendor be seated, and perhaps that is in My destiny. That is why in this birth this position of the Guru has been created. If the Mother becomes the Guru, it is a very difficult, as a mother is very tender. A male Guru will beat up, hit or even scold but for a mother when she utters even one harsh word her heart bleeds and pains a lot. When she sees that her children have come through such difficulties, and how she has to gather them with love and care and take them across, that her responsibility grows so much that her entire character changes. But from ancient times it has been known that no one is greater than the mother as a guru. Only make such a one your guru who is greater than you, the one who is greater than you is God. It was said about Guru Rāmdās Swāmī that make only such a person your guru who himself is paras [touchstone], and who just by touching others does not make them into gold but makes them elixir [touchstone]. He makes others like himself. That is how the form of the mother is. A mother lives for her children. Lives in the glory of her children. That is why perhaps in this lifetime the Divine wanted this that this love and this knowledge should come through a mother."
1973-0715 Public Program on Guru Pūrnimā (Hindi), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"On this Guru Pūrṇimā I bless all of you and all those who are realized, are very special people, and I would say to them that just as you have got, give to others. You too have to bring them around. Might be that they may get annoyed with you, hit you, beat you, they may not remain, but this is nothing. I have borne much more than this. That is why with joy and not arguments; they may not believe in you, doesn’t matter. Leave them. They may argue, just leave them. The ones who believe in you give them.
This is what you have to give and this is all you can give that My love may reach each corner of the world and each house may be lit with it.
May God bless you."

1973-0715 Public Program (Hindi) (Guru Pūrṇimā), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Suggested Talk: 2002-0724 Guru Purnima Puja Talk, What Is Our Duty, Albera Ligure, Italy



Guru bin Kaun

Guru Ki Mahima

10 Names of Adi Guru

Nirmal Sangeet Sarita - Namanat Karo

Guru Mauli

Thou art more kind than Mother Dear,
More soothing than the rays of moon
Thy love an ever flowing tide,
Sinks deeper than a common stream I know of none that equals Thee -
Thou best of all immortal Gods
I wave my name above Thy head,
And part it at thy holy feet.
Ah! Sweeter than sweetest things,
And mightier than all the elements,
Thou rulest O'er the Universe,
And seest that it goes all right,
In silence do I lay my head
upon Thy feet , and pray 'Forgive'

Sant Tukaram (17th Century Poet-Saint)

Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Adi Guru Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai Namo Namah!

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!