2019 Guru Puja Celebration

9 minute read



"Today we have gathered here to do the Guru Pūjā again. The reason is, we have got a Guru Principle within ourselves, as I told you last time, and also I have given elaborately the Ten Commandments as expressed within us, which are describing the different types of essences within us. The essence of Guru Pūjā has to be awakened within us, that’s how we are having this program here.
Now, it is important that we have to establish the dharma within us. Without the dharma, you cannot have the ascent. And, as I have told you before that the cleanliness of your being depends on how much dharma you follow, religiously."

1983-0724 Guru Pūjā, Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough, West Sussex, UK

Bin.ti Suniye Adi Shakti Meri
Oh Adi Shakti, please listen to my request
Pujan. ka adhikar. dijiye
Please give me the authority to do Your Puja
Sharanagat. hai hriday. pujari
Your worshipper is surrendered to You from the heart.

"The meaning of Guru Word is very large. This must be understood. Today I want to talk on this issue – who is a Guru and who is not. The obvious meaning of Guru means the one who is bigger than us, the one who is sitting at a place higher than us. As the water collected at a height spontaneously flows down, it is also eager to find a surface for itself, and to bring everyone to its surface. You keep water to a certain height; it will be willing to [unclear] everyone. This is the very meaning of Guru. The one who is not that kind is not a Guru.
He is above us in every matter, not just in one matter. That is why we people who are wandering in street to street believing in Guru should remember that the number of Gurus is in thousands. The Guru who talks of the absolute principle is a real Guru. Those who talk of God and of God and who uplift you are real Gurus. Those who make money from you are not Gurus. Those who charge money for their speech, they can never be Gurus. Because the speech which has come from God is a precious thing, the value of which you just cannot give. The day when you give value of it then that thing cannot be of God. You cannot go and purchase God from market. Remember, today we are confronting thousands of such people who are making money in the name of God. Nothing can be bigger injustice and meanness than this. If there is any article, substance or a thing in this world which is equal to the kick of the feet of the God, then we can say that we are watching God."

1973-1209 Public Program (Hindi), Day 3, Shrī Dattātreya Jayanti, Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai, India

Gurur Brahma, gurur Vishnu
The guru is Brahma, the guru is Vishnu,
Gurur devo Maheshwarah
The guru is great Lord Shiva,
Gurur sakshat Parabrahma
The guru is truly the Supreme Spirit.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Ma
Immaculate Mother Shri Mataji,
Tasmai Shri Gurave namah
To you, our true guru, we bow.
Guru Vandana

"Today is a great day, for all of us, because we are celebrating the Guru Pūjā and remembering all the Great Gurus who came on Earth to teach the world about the Truth. So many of them were [there]. And they tried their level best to explain to humanity what is spirituality. But it’s such a disparity that people never understood that spirituality is the most important thing we need. That we have to be one with the Divine Power. All their endeavors have been in the wrong direction. First of course they were very intelligent, more than animals, and started seeking, not the Truth, but some sort of a self-emancipation I should say, or, I don’t know what to say, call it – self-progress. And in that they lost that they have to first seek spirituality, which is the most important thing."
2002-0721 Guru Pūjā, Hangar (now Nirmal Temple), Albera Ligure, Italy

You won’t find a relative like your Guru
And without Guru, who cares for you?
He is the Solution, the Giver of Liberation and shelter.
For ever will you be fortunate
At the Lotus Feet of the Guru
The Guru is the only One in this world Who can take you across.

"Now we have to understand the importance of guru. Why should we have a guru when we have God? We’ve got Śhakti, then why should we have a guru? What is the need to have a guru? Guru means ‘the weight’, the weight. We get our weight from the magnetic forces of the gravity of the Mother Earth. So guru means gravity, a gravity in a person. Why do we need a guru? Because to know God is easy, specially in Sahaja Yoga, to be one with Him. As soon as you get your Self-realization in Sahaja Yoga, the modern Sahaja Yoga, immediately you become entitled to give Realizations to other. It was said that guru is the person who makes you meet the Divine. That’s not true, because any self-realized person in the Sahaja Yoga can raise the Kuṇḍalinī and can give Self-realization to others, immediately after they have touched the Sahasrāra or opened the Sahasrāra. But normally a realized Soul cannot do it. Any born realized Soul cannot do it on its own, it has to have authority of Me as I am today.
That’s why it was said that guru is a person who makes you meet God; he raises the Kuṇḍalinī and makes you one with God. Because in those days when the gurus were self-realized, when the gurus were realized, they had the authority and power of raising the Kuṇḍalinī only after they had reached a very great state of evolution – complete purification, complete detachment."

1979-0708 Guru Pūjā, Āśhram, 8, Hamilton Road, Dollis Hill, London, UK

Aneka janam sampraptam
Sarva karma vidahine
svatmaj nana prabhavena
tasmai Shri Guruve namah
I bow to the Honored Guru
who awakens Kundalini
and burns up all the karmas from
all the actions in countless lives.
Na Guroradhikam tattwam
na Guroradhikam tapah
tatwam jnanatparam nasti
tasmai Shri Guruve namah
There is no truth higher than Her,
no austerity greater than
serving Her, no higher knowledge
than my bowing to the Guru.

(Verses 73-74, Guru Gita by Sage Vyasa)
Guru Ashtakam 1993-0704 Guru Puja, Cabella

"So first and foremost thing for every person who is a seeker one must know logically that I am my own master and I am my own guru and I am not going to bow to anyone who doesn’t give me my own powers. This is how we have to understand Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is going to give you the truth and not something that is hocus pocus something that you can not manage, that you cannot understand. Everything you will know logically. Those who are not seekers of truth and seekers of this concept and subservience to some people, I cannot give them realization. You should be only subservient to God Almighty and to nobody else. I agree that a guru is needed. A guru is needed, but he has to be a Sat Guru."
1983-0129 Public Program, FICCI Auditorium, 1 Tansen Mārg, New Delhi, India

Dhyan. Mulam Guru murti
Puja Mulam Guroh Padam
Mantra Mulam Guroh Vakyam
Moksha Mulam Guru Krupa
That Guru is the root of meditation,
That source of worship is the Lotus Feet.
That Guru's speech is the source of Mantras.
Truly the very form of that Guru is the source of Moksha.
Guru Stuti 1993 0704 Guru Puja, Cabella

"So, talk about this to everyone, bring them to Sahaja Yoga. Is a very important day, because as a Guru Pūjā, they say that a guru cannot give anything to you. But I can give you the advice, and the advice that you enlarge your heart, you become humble, and try to spread Sahaja Yoga with humility, not with aggressiveness. That is extremely important. If you can do that, then you’ll do full justice to this life, which is a spiritual life. Without that you cannot achieve, you cannot achieve, the strength of spirituality.
For that you have to understand that it’s very, very important that you should give Sahaja Yoga a full chance, through your wisdom."

2002-0721 Guru Pūjā, Hangar (now Nirmal Temple), Albera Ligure, Italy

Guru Tutz. Vitthala Hari Tu Mahadev
O Guru You are all Prevading, You are my Vittal
Your are my Hari and also my Mahadev,
Guru Charani Payi Vidya Satya Mev.
At Your Lotus Feet O guru, I have attained the true knowledge
Guru Totz. Manavi Khara Mazha
He only will be my true guru
Guru Zhotz. Banavil. Mam. Mazha
The One who makes me my own Guru

Suggested Talk: 1994-0724 Guru Puja, Cabella, Italy



Guruon ki Guru Taron mein Dhuru
You are the Guru of all the Gurus.
You are the shiniest and steadiest like Dhruv (North star) amongst all the Stars.

He mann Guru Sharan me rahio, rahio
He mann Ma ki Sharan Me rahio rahio
O my heart, please stay under the Guru’s Protection,
O my heart, please stay under the Mother’s Protection

Omkar Swarupa

Sabko Dua Dena

Three Maha mantras

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!