2020 Celebrating Vasant Navarātri: “My Feet are more important; they can cure your ailments of the five elements”

7 minute read


"Within us is placed this residual energy in the triangular bone – called as Kuṇḍalinī. This is the energy of desire which is not yet manifested. It is pure desire and it is the Ultimate Desire. It is the desire to be one with the Divine. We can say the Union with the Divine. That is the Yoga. This is placed in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum, means sacred. The Spirit, the reflection of God Almighty, is placed in your heart. But the Seat of your Spirit is on top of your head here. Like as you may have the king moving all over the places, but the seat is a fixed place. Unless and until this Union takes place, the manifestation of this residual power does not take place. This manifestation has to take place. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution. This is what has been described as the Second Birth – as the Baptism. It is also in Sanskrit language is called as the Second Birth, like an egg becoming the bird. So bird also in Sanskrit language is called as dvijaḥ – means twice-born. This happening has to take place – has been described by all the Scriptures."
1982-0928 Public Program, Volksbildungshaus, Uraniastraße 1, Vienna, Austria

"In the process of creation Brahmadeva was made the Deity of the second chakra. ..From the Nābhī, Brahmadeva was created."
1973-1125 Public Program (Hindi), Day 7, New Delhi, India
Auṃ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Brahmadeva-Saraswatī sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ
O Divine Mother, You are verily Shri Brahmadeva-Saraswati. Salutations to You!

"If you start from the Mūlādhāra chakra upwards then we have got on the second chakra, Swādhiṣhṭhāna chakra Śhrī Brahmadeva who is the creative power, creative aspect of God and His Power is Saraswatī. You have seen that in Delhi you are all being caught on the Swādhiṣhṭhāna chakra. All of you have got this problem of Swādhiṣhṭhāna chakra because Delhi is the place where we are planning too much and the power of planning and the power of future thinking comes from Swādhiṣhṭhāna chakra and that’s how many of you are caught up in the Swādhiṣhṭhāna chakra"
1976-0205 Public Program Day 2, New Delhi, India

"When Kuṇḍalinī crosses six chakras, it is called as complete Nirmal Vidyā. The Desire of God enlightens all the chakras and pure elements are established in you, means all the Deities get awakened. They are awakened and you start getting their attributes."
1979-0924 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Marathi), Amar Rundal Mandal Bhadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Auṃ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Nirmala Vidyā, Śhri Śhuddha Icchā sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ

"Is left Swādhiṣhṭhāna, as we call it and when you catch on this you have to say that you believe in the Divine Working – in the Pure Working of the Divine and that’s called as Nirmala Vidyā. Nirmala Vidyā means the Pure Knowledge of the technique of how to raise your Kuṇḍalinī. When you say that, this gets all right and the spirits leave you. There are many people who have come to Me who have been mad, and they say, “How by Kuṇḍalinī do you cure mad people?” What do you do about it. Nothing, I just give them Kuṇḍalinī awakening. Then when the Kuṇḍalinī awakens, when She goes to this center, the second center within us, the enlightenment takes place. The Deity there of creativity gets awakened and with the light this darkness within you just disappears. Just goes away."
1981-0325 Public Program, Maccabean Hall, 146, Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia

"Sahaja Yoga is the integration of all the Truths of Life and I can prove it to you, on the Kuṇḍalinī, that what I say is the fact – is the fact. Unless and until you take Hazarat ʿAlī’s name your Swādhiṣhṭhān chakra cannot be cured, and all the Sahaja Yogis know about it. And in the Sahaja Yogi Pūjā we have to take the name of Muhammad Sāhib again and again and that of Hazarat ʿAlī."
1977-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Cowasji Jehangir Hall, 15, Madam Cama Road, Mantralaya, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"According to me, Hazrate [Hazarat] Muhammad was one of the greatest incarnations because he was even greater than a Prophet. He announced some prophecies which none of the incarnations, such as Jesus, had described."
1901-0000 Letter Published in the Turkish Newspaper Bursa
Auṃ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Fāṭima Hazrat-Ãli, sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ

"To do the Pūjā of these five elements is to do the Pūjā of Śhrī Brahmā because these are His weapons. These too have been given to Śhrī Prajāpati by the Mother. Light was created when She saw [opened Her eyes]. That’s why the Tanmātra [essence of the element] of Tej [glow] was created. When the Mother inhaled Fragrance [She smelled with Her nose], this Earth was created out of that fragrance. In this way, the element of Earth was created. The element of Sound [Sound is the causal of the ether element] was created when the Mother spoke. You can call it Nād. In this way, the Tanmātras were created and the elements were created from these Tanmātras. All this is the work of Śhrī Prajāpati, of Śhrī Brahmadeva."
1976-0302 Havan (Hindi), Prajāpati (Lord of Creatures), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"When you wash My Feet, you must know that they were given to Me by Brahmadeva Himself.
And by taking water out of it you clear all the problems of your five elements which are in the control of the Creator Himself.
So My Feet are the more important; they can cure your ailments of the five elements; even mental ailments are cured because that part of you is formed from ākāśh, the firmament."

1976-1000 Pūjā, Śhrī Mātājī’s House, 2, Parklands, Ice House Wood, Hurst Green, Oxted, Surrey, UK (month not sure; also listed as 1974 or 1975)

Suggested Talk: 1989-0527 Śhrī Begum Pasha (Devī) Pūjā, The Essence of Self-respect, Flat of Carla Mottina, Istanbul, Turkey



Jago Kuṇḍalinī Mā

Jai Ambe Kuṇḍalinī Mā

Kuṇḍalinī Chadhi Badhi

"Brahmadeva represents that aspect of God Almighty which manifests as the Creator of both the subtle side (esthetics), and of the gross side of material creation.
Brahmadeva looks like an ascetic, a saintly personality, with a beard and mustache. He has four heads and all the hair on His heads is tied up in a top-knot.
His body is thin with His most prominent feature being bulging and very large eyes.
Brahmadeva rarely incarnates but He has incarnated once as Hazarat ʿAlī, husband of Fāṭimah and son-in-law of Muhammad Sāhib.
Some ancient Sages tried to explain the meaning of His four heads as the expression of creation into four Vedas. The meaning of His heads is much wider and deeper, though.
Brahmadeva the symbol of the Creative Power of the Supreme, the Īśhwara, Brahma, God.
This creative power is expressed through the plane of matter in this universe.
All material things have three dimensions but there is a fourth dimension which only human beings can see and feel."

The Book of Ādi Śhakti, Chapter 13: Swādhiṣhṭhān Chakra

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!