2020 Celebrating Guru Pūjā: “guru is a person who makes you meet God; he raises the Kuṇḍalinī and makes you one with God.”

10 minute read


"Today, we have assembled here to do the Guru Pūjā.
The word guru comes from ‘the one which is magnetic’. The person who is magnetic, the one which attracts the attention of the seekers, is the guru. Also it means ‘the heaviness’ or, you can say: a person who is very steady, who is very deep, who has the knowledge and who can act like the Mother Earth.
For the power of magnetism in the Mother Earth also is called as magnetic, but in Sanskrit is ‘gurutva ākarṣhaṇ’, means ‘the attraction of the heaviness of the Mother Earth’.
This gravity has to be in a guru. Gravity means a kind of a serious understanding of oneself and one’s own responsibilities. So, a guru has to be very steady."

1998-0712 Guru Pūjā, Albera Ligure, Italy

"That’s why it was said that guru is a person who makes you meet God; he raises the Kuṇḍalinī and makes you one with God. Because in those days when the gurus were self-realized, when the gurus were realized, they had the authority and power of raising the Kuṇḍalinī only after they had reached a very great state of evolution – complete purification, complete detachment."
1979-0708 Guru Pūjā, Dollis Hill, London NW10 1NX, UK
Guru Charnan. ki lagi lagan. hai
Now we have got the Divine attachment to the Lotus Feet of our Guru
Tav. Charanan. me utara swarg. hai
All the heavens have come down at Your Lotus Feet
Parmeshwari. hai mangal. kari
Goddess is giving the welfare to Her devotees
Khoye sadhak. par. Utari
She gives Realization to those who are lost

"The meaning of Guru Word is very large. This must be understood. Today I want to talk on this issue – who is a Guru and who is not.
The obvious meaning of Guru means the one who is bigger than us, the one who is sitting at a place higher than us. As the water collected at a height spontaneously flows down, it is also eager to find a surface for itself and to bring everyone to its surface. You keep water to a certain height; it will be willing to [unclear] everyone. This is the very meaning of Guru. The one who is not that kind is not a Guru.
He is above us in every matter, not just in one matter. That is why we people who are wandering in street to street believing in Guru should remember that the number of Gurus is in thousands. The Guru who talks of the absolute principle is a real Guru. Those who talk of God and of God and who uplift you are real Gurus. Those who make money from you are not Gurus. Those who charge money for their speech, they can never be Gurus. Because the speech which has come from God is a precious thing, the value of which you just cannot give. The day when you give value of it then that thing cannot be of God. You cannot go and purchase God from market. Remember, today we are confronting thousands of such people who are making money in the name of God. Nothing can be bigger injustice and meanness than this. If there is any article, substance, or a thing in this world which is equal to the kick of the feet of the God, then we can say that we are watching God."

1973-1209 Public Program (Hindi), Śhrī Dattātreya Jayanti, Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai, India

"Today is the day of Guru Pūrnimā, this is a Full Moon day, that's why it is called as Pūrnimā.
The guru has to be like a full moon, means completely growing, completely matured."

1979-0708 Guru Pūjā, Hamilton Road, Dollis Hill, North London, UK
Gururav. Swami Aseswayamprakash.
My Master, my Guru, He is the embodiment of Light
Jyapurhe Udas. Chandr. Ravi
In front of Him, even the sun and the moon appear as dull
Ravi, Shashi, Ag.Ni, Nen.tichya Rupa,
He is Himself in the form of sun and moon
Swatprakash. Rupa Nene Ved
He is both the light and the Vedas

"In Sahaja Yoga, the Guru Pūjā has a very different significant from any other guru pūjā. When you worship your Guru, you are also worshiping the Guru within you. This is not in any other guru-disciple system because, in you, the Guru, the Master has been awakened. And so, when you are worshiping your Guru, then this Master within you is also worshiped, you respect it, you glorify it, you awaken it, and you manifest it. This we have to realize that – in Sahaja Yoga – if you are a Sahaja Yogi.
Now, the quality of guru, first and foremost, is that he makes you meet God: means he raises the Kuṇḍalinī and establish the relation between the All-pervading Power. And as your Guru is Ādi Śhakti, you make that person meet, also, the Ādi Śhakti. So you have a double advantage that, at the same time, when you give them Realization, not only that you make them feel the Union with the Divine Power, but you can make them meet the Divinity Itself, the Source of Divine Power. So your responsibility, as Sahaja Yogis, is very great because in you is there is the Guru."

1990-0708 Guru Pūjā, Camp Site, Island in the NW side of Avignon, France

Guru Tutz. Vitthala Hari Tu Mahadev
O Guru You are all Prevading, You are my Vittal
Your are my Hari and also my Mahadev,

Guru Charani Payi Vidya Satya Mev.
At Your Lotus Feet O guru, I have attained the true knowledge
Guru Totz. Manavi Khara Mazha
He only will be my true guru
Guru Zhotz. Banavil. Mam. Mazha
The One who makes me my own guru

"It is a very important Guru Pūjā today because we have completed 25 years of Guru Pūjā.
...... Also, it is extremely beautiful to see so many Sahaja Yogis who are, really have become, very great.
It's a question of understanding what Sahaja Yoga is.
It’s a very unique discovery, I feel now, that, people who were seeking the Truth have found it and have now got it absolutely on their central nervous system. Yes, in some places it’s difficult to explain how it has happened, how it has worked out and how, in these 25 years, we have been able to achieve this expansion of Sahaja Yoga.
The main thing, I feel, is that you all should know that as the tree grows, the roots have to grow much deeper and they should spread also. If it doesn’t happen, the tree cannot be sustained only by Mother Earth. So the roots are in your own life, in your own heart."

1995-0716 Guru Pūjā, Cabella Ligure, Italy

"On this Guru Pūrṇimā I bless all of you and all those who are realized, are very special people, and I would say to them that just as you have got, give to others. You too have to bring them around. Might be that they may get annoyed with you, hit you, beat you, they may not remain, but this is nothing.
I have borne much more than this. That is why with joy and not arguments; they may not believe in you, doesn’t matter. Leave them. They may argue, just leave them. The ones who believe in you give them. This is what you have to give and this is all you can give that My love may reach each corner of the world and each house may be lit with it.
May God bless you."

1973-0715 Public Program (Hindi) (Guru Pūrṇimā), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Niṣhkalā sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ!
The One without any phases (hence He is celebrated on a Pūrṇimā - Full Moon - Day)

Suggested Talk: 1997-0720 Guru Pūjā Talk, Cabella, Italy



Guru Ashtakam
Gurorrashtakam Yah pathet punya dehi
That noble soul who ponders these verses in the Guru's praise
Yatir Bhoopatir Brahmachari Cha Gehi
Of all ascetics and students, of all rulers and wordly men
Labhhed Vanchhitartham padam Brahma Sangyam
will attain the Brahman, the treasure conveted by all
Gururukta Vakye Mano Yasya Lagnam
By applying his mind with constant zeal to the Guru's teaching</font>

Guru Ek Jagi Trata
Guru Ek Jagi Trata, Guru Dayasindhi, Guru din Bandhu, Guru Janani Janm data
Guru is the only savior in this world,
Guru is the ocean of compassion,
Guru is the brother/friend of the poor, Guru is the mother and the father.


Guru Stuti
Akand. Mandala Karam
Vyaptam Yen. Chara Charam
Tat Padam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Shri Guruve namaḥ

Miraculously, the circles of my wandering have ended
At the sight of the Guru's Lotus Feet.
all praise to that Guru.


Aye mann guru sharan mein
Guru hamari Adishakti, Karale he man. in.ki bhakti,
Inke hi guna gaye oh ...

My Guru is the Ādi Śhakti, o my heart, please do Her bhakti,
Please sing Her praises only ...

Aei maan Guru Sharan. me rahio, rahio,
He man Ma ki Sharan. Me rahio rahio


Guruon kī Guru
You are the Guru of all the Gurus.
Taron mein Dhuru
You are the shiniest and steadiest like Dhruv (North Star) amongst all the Stars.

Guru kī Mahimā

Sabko Dua Dena (Āratī)

Three Mahāmantras

"“Gurūr Brahmā Gurūr Viṣhṇu Gurūr devo Maheshwara, Gurūr sākshāt Parabrahma tasmai Shrī Guru dev namah.”
The Guru is Brahmā [creator], Viṣhṇu [sustainer] and Mahesh [destroyer] and the Guru who is himself God, I offer My obeisance to him."

1973-1209 Public Program (Hindi), Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai, India
Guru vandana

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!