2021 Celebrating Śhrī Mother Mary’s Birthday: “I am so happy, today, we are here to celebrate Mahālakṣhmī Principle at the time of Mother Mary’s birthday.”
"Today is a great day when we are celebrating Mahālakṣhmī’s Pūjā. You must be knowing that today is the day of Mary, Mother of Christ, who was Mahālakṣhmī.
Mahālakṣhmī’s Incarnation is very important for Sahaja Yoga. First She establishes our dharma by which we become righteous, we become religious in the real sense. After the light of Realization, we cannot do anything that is not dharma. As you know what is dharma is, and the maryādās, the boundaries of our behavior. This transformation takes place automatically. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do this,” like Ten Commandments. You, yourself, establish your dharma and you enjoy your virtues. This happens, as you know – already has happened to all of you – with the Grace of Mahālakṣhmī. Then She starts bestowing blessings on you."
1993-0908 Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā, National Palace of Culture (NDK), Boulevard Bulgaria, 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
"I bow to all the Seekers of Truth.
Today is a great auspicious day where I'm here on the birthday of Mother Mary, but today I am going to talk to you about Reality and about Truth. Whatever is the Truth is to be known through the light of your Spirit."
1983-0908 Public Program, Day 1, You Are the Spirit, Sala Borromini, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, 18, Rome, Italy
"Today is a great day of Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā.
Mahālakṣhmī is an Incarnation of the Lakṣhmī, the Power of Viṣhṇu. She only incarnated. This Mahālakṣhmī Principle is born out of the Lakṣhmī, who is the Power of Śhrī Viṣhṇu. When in a human being the desire to rise higher comes in, the Lakṣhmī Principle becomes the Mahālakṣhmī Principle. Like in the West we can say, people have affluence of Lakṣhmī, so they wanted to rise above that Principle and become Mahālakṣhmī.
In the awareness it acts on the matter like esthetics; people worry more about esthetics than about possessions. And when they start growing higher and higher in their awareness of seeking, then they find that the attention should be such, that they should pay more importance to the esthetics of things than to the gross values. Now when this desire becomes evident in human beings, then only Lakṣhmī incarnates as Mahālakṣhmī."
1984-0908 Śhrī Mary Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā, Münich, Germany
AuṃTwameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Maria Mata sākṣhāt
O Divine Mother, You are verily Mother Mary.
Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī sākṣhāt
You are Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī.
Śhrī Kamalaksha nisevita sākṣhāt
You are worshipped by the lotus-eyed Śhrī Viṣhṇu.
Śhrī Dhana-dhyaksha sākṣhāt
The queen of wealth
Śhrī Āgñyā Chakrantar'alastha sākṣhāt
The one who resides in the Āgñyā Chakra
Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ
O Divine Mother, Salutations to You!
"She was this central path of Mahālakṣhmī. She came on this Earth as the Central Power of Mahālakṣhmī. Later on She incarnated as the Mother of Christ.
Say, Mother of Christ is nobody else but Sa ... She is Mahālakṣhmī. She is Mahālakṣhmī, absolutely there's uh-uh-uh, was no doubt about it, that She is Mahālakṣhmī. But how will you know? When I see [say] She's Mahālakṣhmī you'll be shocked, that's all. But She is the Power of that, Complete Power in Her came.
Now it is described in the Purāṇas, if you read there is a book of Mārkaṇḍeya, which these people should know how Mahāviṣhṇu was created by Rādhā, who was the second Incarnation of this [principle]. First came Sītā, then came Rādhā and then came Mary. These are the three human Incarnations of that force which is Mahālakṣhmī on this Earth."
1982-1029 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Creation, Original Sin, and Incarnations, Manhattan, New York City, NY, U.S.A.
"On every chakra Mahālakṣhmī gives you Her blessings, but at the Sahasrāra She gives you the Collective Consciousness. She makes you deft in Sahaja Yoga practice and also understanding. I have seen, gradually, Sahaja Yogis have become very subtle and I can talk to them on a very subtle level.
I am so happy, today, we are here to celebrate Mahālakṣhmī Principle at the time of Mother Mary's birthday. She passed through the greatest ordeal to see Her son being crucified but She knew what was the purpose of His crucifixion and She accepted.
With this Mahālakṣhmī Principle our attention should be on our virtues, and we must enjoy our generosity. We must enjoy our purity. We should enjoy our innocence and chastity -- even men have to do that. We should enjoy our detachments. All this is already within your reach."
1993-0908 Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā, National Palace of Culture (NDK), Boulevard Bulgaria, 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
Jaya padma palasakshi, jaya twam Sri pati priye,
Jaya Matar Maha Lakshmi, samasarnavarnava tarini.
Glory to the One who has eyes like lotus flower petals.
Glory be to the One who is dear to Śhrī Viṣhṇu.
Glory be to Mother Mahālakṣhmī, who makes us cross the ocean of this world.
Mahālakṣhmī namastubhyam, namastubhyam Sureswarī,
Salutations to You, Mahalakshmi, Salutations to You, Goddess of Devas,
Salutations to You, beloved of Hari,
And salutations to You, the treasure of mercy.
Hari priye namastubhyam, namastubhyam daya nidhe.
Salutations to You, Mahālakṣhmī,
Salutations to You, Goddess of Devas,
Salutations to You, beloved of Hari,
And salutations to You, the Treasure of Mercy.
(Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Strotam by Sage Agastya).
Ave Maria Śhrī Mātājī Divine Queen Mother Mary Jesus Christ (Holy Spirit)
Auṃ Bhūr Bhuvaḥ
Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Stotram
108 names of Śhrī Maria Mahālakṣhmī
Nirguṇāche Bheṭī
Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!