2022 Celebrating Rāma Navamī: “We don’t leave our dharma, Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, even if we have lot of difficulties.”

11 minute read


"We have gathered here on the occasion of Rām Navamī. Everybody has said, “Mother please tell us about Śhrī Rām.”
You know that Śhrī Rāma has a very important place on our chakra, He is situated on our right Heart. Śhrī Rāma has taken the place of father hence if there is lack in the responsibility or love from father this chakra is caught. In Sahaja Yoga, we to understand that Śhrī Rāma and all other Deities have taken the form to fulfill their divine work, in all Śhrī Rāma had a special task. As it was said by Socrates that the Benevolent King has to come the same way Śhrī Rāma had come on this Earth as benevolent king, He came in the form of human being, He even forgot that He was Incarnation of Śhrī Viṣhṇu, forgot about Him but for all world, He was Puruṣhottama Rāma."

1991-0325 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā (Hindi) (the day after Rām Navamī Day), If You Believe in Śhrī Rāma Follow His Ideal (Our Nature Can Change because He Is Our Ideal and You All Become Ideals for this World), Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Puruṣhottama sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
The highest among the Puruṣhas (ideal human beings)

"Today is Rām Navamī. I should say it was not started, we should say, but it was very much in vogue when Rāma lived and they used to do Yagñyas at that time. The reason was, that the people had just started realizing that “there is something higher and you have to worship that higher Self,” the Seers said, and they thought that the best thing is to do Yagñyas. The same thing.
On the left side, of course, the people started the worship of God and the dedication to God and all those things. That is ‘bhakti’ [devotion]. But mainly what they did before Rāma was the Yagñyas, the Vedas, with which they prayed to different elements. Elements have made our chakras, and they tried to evoke the Deities of the Elements. But actually it amounts to the same [thing].
So, as a child, Rāma was studying with a very great Saint, and when he was studying with him, Vasiṣhṭha was the name of the great Saint. And Vasiṣhṭha had an āśhram where Rāma and His brothers studied."

1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK

"...... the story of Rāma they say was written before He was born. Even before there was any inkling of it, the Seer, Vālmīki, wrote the whole story of Śhrī Rāma.
Śhrī Rāma’s birth and all that are brought forth by the Agni, the fire, and He was born in the Dynasty of the Sūrya, is the Sun. So, with all that, with born out of the blessings of the Agni, that is fire, and also was born in the dynasty of Sūrya, He was one of the mildest Avatāras you have ever had. He’s known to be a very – something for, I mean English language – formal person, in the sense, saṅkoch, that He would go to any extent to bear upon Himself the problems than to tell others to do something."

1987-1004 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā (Dussehra Day), Maryādā Puruṣhottama and Message of Sītā's Life (Very Great Achievement Within Ourselves), Centre International, Les Avants, Switzerland

"Śhrī Rāma was also a great Devī bhakta, that is, devotee of Śhakti.
Before attacking Sri Lanka He performed Devī Pūjā for which He needed a Brahmin for conducting various rites to please the Devī.
He then sent for Rāvaṇa the King of Sri Lanka, who was a Brahmin and Devī bhakta.
He readily responded and helped Śhrī Rāma in performing the Pūjā of the Devī with all nine types of rites.
Had Śhrī Rāma been of a cunning disposition, He could have killed Śhrī Rāvaṇa then and there but He was a Maryādā Puruṣhottama.
He did not do such a mean and irresponsible act.
They were enemies but while performing the Pūjā the enmity was completely forgotten."

1998-0405 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā (Rāma Navamī), House, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

"So Śhrī Rāma’s another great quality was once given a promise – is to be kept. This is another quality we have to have that, if you have promised anything, you have to keep it. If you have said, “I will do this,” you must do it. You should not find out excuses to avoid it. It’s absolutely an anti-God activity to avoid doing things that you have promised. Your Deities will never be happy. You must see that, whatever you have promised you must do."
1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK

"And this is another quality of Śhrī Rāma, is a saṅkoch. There’s no word in English language because you have ‘formality’ which is a very insipid word to describe saṅkoch. Because, there is no integration between your heart and formality.
...... So that saṅkocha, that understanding comes if you love someone and understand. Now, you have to love all the seekers of the world. They have done wrong, they have done all kinds of ego trips, they have done all kinds of mistakes but your Mother loves them and you have to love them. If they are to be corrected I’ll do that. You just don’t do that way that they feel hurt. Put a saṅkocha. While talking to each other educate yourself, train yourself to say things which are sweet and nice, which will make another person feel that this person is a properly brought up person in Sahaja Yoga tradition. So we have a Sahaja Yoga tradition also, in which, when we speak to each other, we have that saṅkocha within us of Śhrī Rāma. And if you do not have that saṅkocha you get the right Heart [catch]."

1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK

"...... He had the capacity to kill a demon with only one arrow. It’s called as Eka-bāṇi. One arrow was sufficient of Śhrī Rāma."
1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK

Sāsi-tūna-dhanur-bāna-pānim nak-tan-charāntakam
He has a sword in one hand and a bow and arrow in the other and spare arrows in His quiver to kill the rākṣhasas.
Sva-līlayā jagatrātum-āvir-bhūtam-ajam Vibhum
He is beyond birth and death, His powers have no limits and through His own Divine Play (Līlā),He has incarnated to destroy all the negative forces and to protect this world.

"In Sahaja Yoga when we worship any God, what quality we gain from them, which qualities we will receive? Śhrī Rāma has many. One that He was ideal, another that He is a king. He kept His people higher than Himself, than his wife and children. If politicians today understand this point, they wouldn’t be called selfish, they wouldn’t be selfish, would be follower of dharma.
Nobody has followed Śhrī Rāma as a role model till today. By singing His bhajans or building institutions and temples in His name, does Śhrī Rāma come to you? Do you get His light in your life? Only a Sahaja Yogi can bring the light of Śhrī Rāma into the attention."

1991-0325 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā (Hindi) (the day after Rām Navamī Day), If You Believe in Śhrī Rāma Follow His Ideal (Our Nature Can Change because He Is Our Ideal and You All Become Ideals for this World), Kolkata, West Bengal, India

"So we have to create out of Sahaja Yogis great politicians. It has been predicted [in the Nāḍi Granth] that if Sahaja Yoga does not spread then the third world war is inevitable. People will suffer a lot with a third world war. It is possible to avoid it if people take to Sahaja Yoga in a big number. But if they do not, there will be a third world war and the effects of that will harm people so much that ultimately it is the Sahaja Yogis who will be called for a conference and not the diplomats. The Sahaja Yogis will be consulted, and they will decide what is to be done for the world and they will become the rulers of tomorrow’s world. So we must have a full idea [of] how to be rulers like Śhrī Rāma.
We have to go too far with ourselves, to training up ourselves, educating ourselves, getting rid of our egos and understanding that we have to grow."

1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK

"Today I said that Śhrī Rāma was born at twelve o’clock hence the Pūjā should be at time as such it is not long Pūjā but we have to understand that the human form within us in form of humanity in which we understand and make changes in our mind, curiosity and thoughts.
Through the medium of Śhrī Rāma can bring change in our thoughts, he can bring change in our behavior because he is ideal for us, reaching this ideal we can reach other ideals since he is ideal of human being.
This is big thing that the God Himself came on this Earth and become ideal.
We don’t leave our dharma ‘Vishwa Nirmala Dharma’ even if we have lot of difficulties.

May God bless you."

1991-0325 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā (Hindi) (the day after Rām Navamī Day), If You Believe in Śhrī Rāma Follow His Ideal (Our Nature Can Change because He Is Our Ideal and You All Become Ideals for this World), Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Śhrī Rāma-chandra charanau manasā smarāmi
I worship the Feet of Shri Śhrī Rāma-chandra in my heart.
Śhrī Rāma-chandra charanau vachasā gṛunāmi
Through my songs and prayers I praise the Feet of Śhrī Rāma-chandra.
Śhrī Rāma-chandra charanau shirasā namāmi
I bow at the Feet of Śhrī Rāma-chandra
Śhrī Rāma-chandra charanau sharanam prapadye
I surrender at the Feet of Śhrī Rāma-chandra

Suggested Talk: 1982-0402 Śhrī Rāma Pūjā, Rāma Navamī, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, London, Clapham, UK



Vaishnav Jan To Tene Kahiye

Śhrī Rām Kahe Samjhaye

Śhrī Mātājī singing Raghupati Rām

Śhrī Rām Kavach Part 1 by Pt.B.Subramanian

Śhrī Rām Kavach Part 2 by Pt.B.Subramanian

Āratī and the Three Great Mantras

"On the night of Full Moon, you should meditate on Śhrī Rāma and surrender yourself to Him for protection. The meaning of the word rāmachandra is `creativity'. You should completely dedicate your creative powers to Him. Thus you have to take special care of yourself on these two days.
However, on the seventh (Saptamī) and ninth (Navamī) days of Lunar fortnights you have My special blessings. Remember that you are specially blessed by Me on these two days. Make some special arrangements so that you can have proper meditation on these days."

1976-0529 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi), Dhyān Kaise Karein (How to Meditate), Gita Mandir Hall, Bharatiya Vidyā Bhavan (3rd floor), 29, Kulapati K.M. Munshi Mārg, Chowpatty, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!