2022 Celebrating Rakshābandhan: “day you should ask for perfection, make big decisions and keep attention on high ideals.”

6 minute read


"Is so important, that on this day if this is tied on your wrist, then you become brothers and sisters.
Now, in Sahaja Yoga brotherhood is the most important. That is the friendliness among ourselves. When you are very good brothers and sisters, first of all, your left Viśhuddhi improves.
This left Viśhuddhi. You get this left Viśhuddhi, because we don't have proper brother and sister relationship. Is not that we should have our own sister, but any woman who is a Sahaja Yoginī is your sister. Except for your own wife.
And this is the feeling. Unless and until we develop that pure feeling within ourselves, we cannot work out Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga cannot be worked out. I know it's rather difficult to digest, but is a fact. You have to feel clean and pure within your heart."

1986-0818 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (the day before Rakṣhābandhan Day), Room, Āśhram, Hampstead, London, UK

"Today in India, we celebrate a set ... special festival. It is called as Rakṣhā-bandhan. Rakṣhā means protection and bandhan means the bondage: the bondage of protection. Is a very nice, good, social custom to have this beautiful festival today.
Today is the Full Moon Day, and this day what we do is to tie a band of threads around the person whom you want to protect. But it is done between brothers and sisters."

1980-0826 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Rakṣhābandhan Day), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK

"So, this day is uh extremely important, in a way, for Sahaja Yogis to observe, and I’m happy that I am here, because it’s very important also for America.
Uh as I told you that, I have already talked to you how the war between Alexander and Puru was finished because of a sister’s intervention.
And, also, how Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa, whose sister was Draupadī, Viṣhṇumāyā was born as Draupadī, and how He came to save Her chastity, by rushing all the way from Dvārika.
So, we can see that when we ascend in the Collective Consciousness and we have a collective living, collective meeting, at the Viśhuddhi chakra, Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa establish this, or He manifested uh this pure relationship of a sister.
In a collective life that we have, in the Āśhram where we live, where we move about as Sahaja Yogis, if we do not have this basic principle within us, there will be a chaos, complete chaos. Once this purity of relationship is established, that apart from my wife, all the rest are my sisters or mothers, it cannot be a proper society and the chaos of the social system of America is because they have no sense of pure relationships.
Once you call somebody a sister, she’s a sister. And once you call somebody a brother, he’s a brother. It’s not only that you should be born of the same parents, it’s not necessary, but this is a very important principle to have a very pure society where everybody can live peacefully."

1990-0807 Rakṣhābandhan Pūjā, Room, House of Dr. Vinod Worlikar, 17301 Maria Avenue, Cerritos (32 kms SE of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.

"But Rākhī Day, My brother [Bābā Māmā] is here. It's nice that we can have it in a way My physical brother is here. It's very good we are having a rākhī program today in his presence. And, all of you should also understand that it's a very subtle, pure, beautiful relationship that exists between a brother and a sister."
1988-0820 Śhrī Viṣhṇumāyā Pūjā (1 week before Rakṣhābandhan Day), Cure that Left Viśhuddhi, Śhuddhi Camp (now The Hall, Shudy Camps Park), Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire, UK

Nirmalā, Kiti Varnāvi Tujhiga Stuti:
Bābā Māmā (March 1990): This is what the brother has written for the sister: "O Nirmalā, my Sister, how much should I praise You? Because You have given the human being the experience of God."

"So apart from ego and superego, the worst thing that has happened to these modern societies is that, that they have lost their innate understanding of purity.
That innate understanding in Sahaja Yoga now you have got it. So try to develop it and flower it, so the fragrance of that innocence will make each other very happy and such a kind of a security. One feels so secure.
And that’s why it is a rakṣhābandhan, the protection of a brother and protection of a sister.
All the time you know, my brother is there, after all, my sister is there. A kind of a very pure, beautiful feeling, that, ‘I have somebody to protect me.’

And this beautiful feeling, if it’s nurtured, looked after, in a wider way in Sahaja Yoga, then you feel absolutely, absolutely secure."

1990-0807 Rakṣhābandhan Pūjā, Room, House of Dr. Vinod Worlikar, 17301 Maria Avenue, Cerritos (32 kms SE of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.

"Rākhī is Protecting Power.
Its bond is very strong and extremely tender because it symbolizes the noble love of sister. Customarily, tying a rākhī to someone is establishing a place of Pure Protection. However, man's ability to understand love has become so feeble that tying of rākhī has become merely a mechanical process. All beautiful human traditions become lifeless and dry formalities if there is no warmth of faith in them.
Rakhi Pūrnimā is a day of great significance.
On that day you should ask for perfection, make big decisions and keep attention on high ideals.

Sahaja Yogis should not destroy their attention on trifle issues.
Lot of work has yet to be done.
Those Sahaja Yogis who have progressed should get busy.
New centers should be opened.
People should be cured of their diseases and their attention should be drawn towards God-realization."

1978-0817 Letter (Marathi) on Rakṣhābandhan and Pūrṇimā Day (0818), London, UK from Nirmala Yoga, Issue 11 (September-October 1982), Page 25

Suggested Talk: 1990-0807 Rakṣhābandhan Pūjā, Room, House of Dr. Vinod Worlikar, 17301 Maria Avenue, Cerritos (32 kms SE of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.



Rākhī Bhajan Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā

Rākhī offered to Śhrī Mātājī from America (1993-0815 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Dharma, Cabella)

"I Am Your Rākhī Brother" (1985-0921 Seminar, Sheffield, UK)

He Govinda He Gopāla

You are my brothers and sisters
Because you are human,
And we all are sons and daughters
Of one Holy Spirit;
We are equal and made of the same Earth.

('My Brethren' by Kahlil Gibran)

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!