2022 Worshipping the Devī during Navarātri Festival: “Kuṣhmāṇḍa, is one of the forms, that you absorb all the filth in yourself”

7 minute read


"Now, God has created only One World, He’s not created many worlds. He’s created only One World, this one, where alone here only human beings are created. So this is the most important planet, you can say, which has been in the Attention of the Divine. So the whole cosmos works out for the benefit of this planet. And the working of that cosmos has created this Earth, and then human beings, and then the Sahaja Yogis. So, Sahaja Yogis are the epitome of the creative powers, they are the epitome of God’s Desire. That’s what He desired, that’s why He created this cosmos, this universe, and this Earth.
So now His Desire is fulfilled when He says ... sees He being reflected through the Sahaja Yogis. But there is still a few things we have to clear out within ourselves.
His Desire represents the Mahākālī Power within us. Now, we have to see how His Desire has worked in creating ourselves. First is the desire which is absolutely passionate. There’s nothing desired, nothing else is desired, but the creation of Sahaja Yogis.
So, the first desire of any Sahaja Yogi is to create more Sahaja Yogis. No other desire should be dominant or exist, in a way. But to fulfill that desire, we have to fulfill some conditions."

1986-0518 Śhrī Devī Pūjā, French Seminar, Dourdan (47 kms SW of Paris), France

Visṛistau sṛisti-rūpā Tvam sthiti-rūpā cha pālane,
Tathā saṁhṛiti-rūpānte jagato-'sya jagan-maye ǁ 5 ǁ

O You, whose Form is the Universe, at the time of creation You are the Creative Force,
At the time of sustentation You are the Protective Power and at the time of the Dissolution of the World,
You are the Destructive Power.

You see God’s creation. He has created you and He’s not the one who is going to destroy His own creation. You don’t do anything. You just don’t do anything.
You see, this is the wrong impression human beings have got. What they do is a dead work. Now see, the flowers are dead so you have arranged them. The tree is dead so you have made the furniture, that is all.
Dead to the dead. Any living work can you do? Any living work? Nothing. Only after Realization, you can do it, by awakening the Kuṇḍalinī. Then you can do it. Then you are entitled to become the master.

1992-0306 Interview with a Lady for a Radio Station, Hong Kong, China

Oh God You have created the whole universe
The whole universe is dearer than our lives
You are my Mother and brother, You are the Mother of the universe
The whole universe is but your form


"Yesterday you have seen how Durgā used to protect all the seekers, sādhakas, and how She killed the people who have been troubling, torturing, killing the Seekers of Truth. Her whole Advent was to protect them from all these evil forces. In those days that was the most important work.
So that’s how the sādhakas came up to these modern times and now they are Seekers of Truth or they have found the Truth."

1995-1001 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 7th Day and 8th Day), You Must Project Your Depth and Not Reflect, Hangar, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

"I would say, with this, today's special celebration of Navarātri. Like yesterday you saw Śhrī Durgā's Nine Forms, also. In that, one is Kuṣhmāṇḍā, is one of the forms, that you absorb all the filth in yourself, in your stomach. But the Devī does that, not you. What the Devī can do, you should not do, that's Her job, that She is supposed to do this, not you. What you have to do is to only be in silence so that you absorb whatever will increase that silence, will increase your depth. The Devī will look after all the rest of the things, she'll look after all the filth, all the anger, all the temper, all the everything that's going on in this world. She will absorb all that, but what you have to do is to just enjoy everything that is pure. Enjoyment is only possible when you are beyond your mind. With your mind you can never enjoy, it is like a big load. It will not act, it will not help. Enjoyment comes when you are in complete silence, in a rippleless lake, the reflection of all the joy that is created on the shores of that lake are completely reflected, they are not deflected, if they were repulsed it would have been a different image altogether, and would have been something nowhere near the image of reality."
1995-1001 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 7th Day and 8th Day), You Must Project Your Depth and Not Reflect, Hangar, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Śhrī Mātāj: Kavach – kavach is the cover, kavach is the cover.
Sahaja Yogi: Shield.
Śhrī Mātāj: Shield, shield, kavach. Kavach is shield, sorry kavach is shield!
1982-1009 Bestowing of Boons Pūjā, House of Maria Laventzi, Irchester (near Wellingborough), UK
Devī Kavach: video

"Now, when we are celebrating the greatest of greatest this Navarātri, there must be something special about it, that we have to cleanse this heart completely, fully, and make it so pure that it purifies all the blood that passes through the whole of the body. So the cells of this heart, which have made this great organ, has to be the best because the cells of the heart within a human body are the best cells, the highest quality, the most sensitive. And it’s the heart that expresses the Anāhata, the sound that is without percussion. While we find that there are some people of caliber, there are, but others talk more, show off more, and do not have the caliber."
1984-0923 Navarātri Pūjā (1st Day), The Discipline, Hampstead Town Hall Centre, 213 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4QP, UK
Kindle My heart

Sahaja Yogi [reads]: "O Devī, we bow before You, who are Yourself good fortune in the dwellings of the virtuous, and ill-fortune in those of the vicious, intelligence in the hearts of the learned, faith in the hearts of the good, and modesty in the hearts of the high-born. May You protect the universe!"
Śhrī Mātājī: This is a prayer.
1980-0719 Comments on the Reading from Devī Māhātmyam, before the Talk on the Meaning of Pūjā, House of Pamela Bromley, 22 College Gardens, Brighton, East Sussex, UK

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Kuṣhmāṇḍa sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
O Divine Mother, You are verily Shri Kush-manda, the one whose void contains the universe!
Salutations to You!

Suggested Talk: 1995-1001 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 7th Day and 8th Day), You Must Project Your Depth and Not Reflect, Hangar, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy



Devī Kavach and Devī Suktam

Durgati Harini Durgā Ambe

Ankhe band karu

Isi Liye

Apne Panah Mein Hame Rakhna

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!