2022 Celebrating the Festival of Diwālī: “Mahālakṣhmī gives us dignity. And that’s how we start understanding the value of human dignity.”

7 minute read


"It’s the day of Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā night, not only of Lakṣhmī Pūjā; there’s a difference between the two. Mahālakṣhmī is one of the powers of the Three Powers, Main Powers of Ādi Śhakti. As you know: Mahālakṣhmī, Mahāsaraswatī, Mahākālī. Now, these powers have powers at a material level also, at a subtler level also. So Mahālakṣhmī Power is achieved after Lakṣhmī Power."
1980-1109 Diwālī Pūjā (Bhāūbīj Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Power, Temple of All Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK

"...... the first day of the Moon. That is the forefathers of your Mother, Śhālivāhanas, they started the calendar, from that date.
And so, on the first, that means the first day of the Moon, the New Year is celebrated.
Now, see symbolically, Christ is born and the New Year is celebrated next day.
As soon as He is born, New Year starts with. So next year it starts, the New Year."

1980-1109 Diwālī Pūjā (Bhāūbīj Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Power, Temple of All Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK

"So, first of all, I wish you all a very Happy Diwālī and a prosperous whole year, after this New Year Day."
1999-1106 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, after the Evening Program, the day before Diwālī Pūjā (Naraka Chaturdaśhī Day), Apollon Camping, Delphi, Greece

"So the whole idea of celebrating today the Lakṣhmī’s day is to understand that in us She has become the Mahālakṣhmī. By that we have so many powers of which we are not aware, I mean we do not know that we are realized Souls. Some of us, we do not know and that we have those powers within us that we can permeate into others. We can project our personalities to others. We can find out what’s wrong with them. We can find out about ourselves.
We can go into ourselves, we can go into – our permeation is like water is moving, is flowing all the time.
And this is a very important thing that we should be aware of: our powers that we have achieved.
Mahālakṣhmī gives us dignity. And that’s how we start understanding the value of human dignity. We should have also the idea of human dignity that we cannot insult human dignity, like people who are nagging others all the time. It’s against or all the time asserting themselves about something making everybody’s life miserable. It’s against human dignity. You have to decorate another human, you have to make it beautiful, you have to make it enjoyable and happy, make everyone happy, not to nag all the time."

1981-1101 Diwālī Pūjā (5th day after Diwālī Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Powers and the Powers of Water, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, Clapham, London, UK

"...... this new awakening within you that you have to achieve God now, is the power of Mahālakṣhmī.
By the power of Mahālakṣhmī only, you achieve your saintliness, your Realization."

1980-1109 Diwālī Pūjā (Bhāūbīj Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Power, Temple of All Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Jagan-mātā Mahālakṣhmī sākṣhāt Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
Śhrī Mātājī Nirmalā Devī, You are the Mother of this Universe and the Power of Evolution.

"Mahālakṣhmī gives us dignity. And that’s how we start understanding the value of human dignity. We should have also the idea of human dignity that we cannot insult human dignity, like people who are nagging others all the time. It’s against or all the time asserting themselves about something making everybody’s life miserable. It’s against human dignity. You have to decorate another human, you have to make it beautiful, you have to make it enjoyable and happy, make everyone happy, not to nag all the time.
You leave the person to be; the human dignity is the most important thing.
But respect everybody. And that’s possible because now you have the Mahālakṣhmī principle. Those who do not have the dignity also will get it from you because you are dignified now."

1981-1101 Diwālī Pūjā (5th day after Diwālī Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Powers and the Powers of Water, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, Clapham, London, UK

"So what is the Principle of Mahālakṣhmī? Is that first is of sacrifice. Sacrifice their own children on the Altar of Truth. Of course that is not needed in Sahaja Yoga. You are all blessed people, you don't have to sacrifice anything whatsoever. But if you do not develop your children into proper ways, they will hold you responsible and they will say, "Why did you not give us a full scope to develop?"
So this Mahālakṣhmī Principle has to grow among men, as well as in women. We have families now and this has to work out, that, do the whole family people sit down and meditate? Do we teach our children the proper protocol of Śhrī Mātājī? Like a lady bringing a perambulator in the hall -- is absurd! I mean, can you bring a perambulator in the church? This is more than a church. Do you realize whom are you facing? And this is what you have to tell your children because this is the greatest time. This is the greatest time when you are here, the greatest time of spirituality, of the complete manifestation of the Powers of the Goddess, where your children have to be the real flowers of beauty. Please don't try to cover them up with their souls dying out there under the cover of so-called love for them."

1990-1021 Diwālī Pūjā (4th day after Diwālī Day), Touch Your Depth, Chioggia/Sottomarina, Venice, Italy

Śhrī Mātājī: So now for the whole world you can ask that, `Remove the curse of the negativity and bless them with the Principle of Mahālakṣhmī.'
Sahaja Yogi: All of us?
Śhrī Mātājī: All of you.
Sahaja Yogi: [Repeat.]
Śhrī Mātājī: May God bless you.
So we have to do a lot, all of us have to do it. You are My hands, you are My eyes, you are My ears. You have to do. Whatever you are asking for, you have to do yourself. I can just give you power, but you have to move your hands, you have to move your tongue, you have to do everything.
If you don't move your tongue and if you do not talk to people about it, how can I help it? So this is what you have to do, is to know that whatever you ask for, not only to pray, but also to use your instrument.
May God bless you all.

1981-1101 Diwālī Pūjā (5th day after Diwālī Day), The Mahālakṣhmī Powers and the Powers of Water, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, Clapham, London, UK

Padm‛āsana sthite Devi, Para-brahma swa-rūpiṇī,
O Devī, seated on the Lotus, who is the Supreme Consciousness,
Parameśhi jagan-mātar, aah; Mahālakṣhmī namō‛stu-te.
Supreme Ruler and Mother of the Universe, O Great Mother, Obeisance to Thee.

Suggested Talk: 1996-1110 Diwālī Pūjā (Diwālī Day), What State You Have to Reach, Quinta do Mar, Sintra (29 kms NW of Lisbon), Portugal



Tujhjya Pujani archani lina vhave
(We are totally lost in prayer at Your Lotus Feet while performing Your Pūjā)

Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Stotram

Parabrahma Rūpiṇī

Viśhwa Vandita


Wishing you all a very Happy Diwālī and a Happy New Year!!

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!