Poem by Vidut Maneklal from 1979-0000 The Life Eternal, upper part of Page 7 of the pdf file

less than 1 minute read


In the ocean of Sahaja Yoga I float blissfully
The waves o f vibrations toss me gently—gleefully
Sometimes forceful sometimes fleeting they soar up the Sahastrar
Where dwells my KALKI SWARUPINI MA holding her shining scimitar

SHE rides the W'aves on the steed of SAHAJA gloriously
Giving enlightenment and protection to her children who follow her fearlessly
Come ye my bretheren. come float on the ocean of Sahaja joyously
And attain realisation spontaneously—by the grace of the MOTHER
at whose feet we prostrate eternally

SourcesS1. 1979-0000 The Life Eternal, upper part of Page 7 of the pdf file. Link: Archive Post 11: The Life Eternal Trust India Annual Magazines and Souvenirs.