Poem ‘My beloved Mother NAMASKAR’ by S. Ganeshan, Warsaw from 1981-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Back Cover

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As beauty to the flowers and pleasantness to the breeze,
As coolness to the moon and rays to the sun;
As waves to the ocean and creatures to the earth;
As rivers to the mountains and Gods to the humen,
Oh Devi, I am to my Mother.
No force in any form from anywhere can deprive me.
Oh Mother, let divineful arts be created with deities of heaven
Finer ever for the benefit of great humen;
Let loveliness be enriched on this beloved Mother Earth
For the evolution of human even to become worth;
Let there be no hatredness, no sinfulness, no imperfectness,
Oh Mother,
On this earth which reduce the human beings to wither.
OM is the language of the Universe with power
And no other language equal to Sahaja to cover
The Mankind with virtues and magnitude in values.
Ever to enrich with kindness to cows and to the calves. Virtueless humanity venerate it never
And fanatism is the folk of life for ever
In the name of language and land
And in the name of religion with brand
Oh Mother, when they realise that the humanity is one
With kindness and help and values to win
Over the race of time and change of all,
Oh Mother, let there be fearless society that never fall.
Ever to live happy, healthy and gay in the ways of divine.
Let there be love for each other to enrich themselves finer and shrine,
let there be trust and truth in the paths of life.
Let there be no mis-identifications that kills the humanity with ignorance as knife.
Let there be true knowledge for the seekers of truth,
without this what can I pray on this Mother Earth,
Ever with thy grace.
Thy loving son

SourcesS1. 1981-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Page 24.