Poem ‘Glory Be To Thee’ by Christine, NY from 1982-0700 and 0800 Nirmala Yoga, Page 26

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O Devi! Glory be to Thee!
Thou hast empowered Thy children
to be Thy instruments
of Salvation.
O Miracle of miracles!
O Joy of joys!
Glory be to Thee!

Thou hast come to fulfill at last
the ancient prophecies
of those great sons and daughters
of time, whose light
shone like beacons
in the darkness
reflecting Thy Glory.
O Devi! Glory be to Thee!

Thou hast come, O Comforter,
to reveal all things.
Thou hast come to make the men and
women of God prophets.
Thou hast come to string together
all the pearls on the sacred thread
of Kundalini.
Thou hast come for the final battle,
to establish the Kingdom of God
on Earth.
O Devi! Glory be to Thee!

SourcesS1. 1982-0700 and 0800 Nirmala Yoga, Page 26.