1982-0700 Poem ‘Our Holy Mother’ by Jayen Modi during Guru Purnima from 1982-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Page 31

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Our Holy Mother,
  Who resides everywhere,
    Holy is your name.

Truly you are Nirmala,
  And the three worlds,
    Sing your fame.

You are Mahashakti,
  You are Kalki,
    Yours is the last judgement.

You are the Creater [Creator],
  You are the Preserver,
    To destroy the evil you came.

You are the teacher,
  You are the knowledge,
    You are the literature,
      To understand the knowledge

You are the poetry,
  You are the literature,
    You are the speech,
      And you are the silence.

You are the Sun,
  You are the Moon,
    You are the Star,
      That shines in the doom.

You are the living,
  You are the life,
    And you are the Earth,
      That bears life.

You are joy,
  And you are Happiness,
    And one who prays to you,
      Gets Eternal Happiness.

The Mother of Lord Ganesha,
  Kartike and Jesus are You,
    O' Mother accept us sahaja yogis,
      As your children too.

SourcesS1. 1982-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Page 31.