Poem ‘Seekers of Truth!’ by Bill Hansen, Birmingham from 1983-0100 and 0200 Nirmala Yoga, Page 19
To you who seek
Ne'r mind how meek
Your search is not futile
For they who found
True yoga's shore
Had searched millennium's mile.
Seek not for gain Seek
not for fame
In this truth stays concealed
Seek the truth
Inside yourself
And all will be revealed.
On Yoga's Shore
By Sahaja's score
The way to truth prevails
And Mataji Nirmala's here
To show us Truth unveiled.
To you who seek
Ne'r mind how meek
Time can only allay
When outstretched arms
Of yogis who
Await to show the way.
And when the truth
Adorns your head
And you in light abound
Seek not
To keep it to yourself
'Tis here heaven's key is found.
Jai Mataji