Poem ‘We Sahaja Children’ by Dr. Rustom Burjorjee from 1983-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Page 30

1 minute read


From the first wave that gave us birth, resounding through the universe,
From the first sound we were born, to reverberate through the resounding world.

Of father's eternal auspiciousness and Mother's joyous love and innocence,
Of spontaneous play and freedom dance, of eternal longing we were born.

To give meaning to sanctity, to return essence to sacredness,
To give vein to joyous song and mirth, and flow in freedom throughout the earth.

For of our Mother's womb we were born, and once more from Her crowned head,
And in both were unctuous joy and love, and immaculate glory overspread.

Like a fabric She takes the cosmic sounds, rends and from the rents give forth,
Eterna' sounds that dance like men, and to eternal glory return again.

Like bees round nectar drinking deeply, soul deep round the sacred cup,
In sacred innocents cheerful shouting, crowd thick around their Mother's lap.

Like lotuses waving in the wind, each one filled with sacred strands,
And bowing to each lotus head with wings outspread, filling deep their lotus hands.

Lotus like born of loving softness, returning softness born of love,
Each one filled joyously resounding, the softness of the eternal word.

Each with sacred love cascading, each with love sacred overflowing,
Each to cosmic love surrendering, Eternal lost in eternal love.

Each child longs to meet its Mother, drowned in Her fulfilling love,
Each one longs to peal with laughter, and pour his love into the flood.

Each one pouring with reverence flowing, the glory that is of his birthright,
Each in glory deep entwining drawing, the threads of eternal union tight.

Each one brother to the other, sister to each others love,
Proving in their close communion, the boundless limits of their Mother's love.

Embraced in the all encompassing, filled with the all pervading,
Swimming in the all-containing, dissolving in the all sustaining.

SourcesS1. 1983-0900 and 1000 Nirmala Yoga, Page 30.