Poem ‘Mother’ by Dr. Rustom Burjorjee from 1984-0100 and 0200 Nirmala Yoga, Page 22

2 minute read


My Mother has the radiance of the Sun and the Moon,
  and Her eyes are the glory of the Universe.
Her diadem is set with the Sun, the Moon & Stars
  and Her crown is ablaze with cosmic Love & Purity.
Her ornaments are the devotions of Her children
  and She is the supreme Ishwari, the Parameshwari - of all that is.
She is the source flood of humankind
  and the source flood of all existence.
From Her feet humankind takes birth and all the universes their existence
  She is the source of all that is, and bliss transcending all experience
From Her Nabhi flows auspiciousness in a divine milky flood.
  From Her heart flows auspiciousness in hot fierce and protecting blood
Surrounding to protect Her own, raised to pinnacles unknown
        and heights beyond all others.
She is the sources of all devotion, of prayer and virtuous acts.
  She is the poetry of the soul, its light and comprehension,
She is awareness of the earth, She of cosmic second birth
  Of virtue, liberation and the end; eternal unbroken and without end.
Her throat is like a pale blue star - in which is held the cosmic sound
  Light and protection from the fumes of hell; and cosmic poison's futile wrath.
Within it divine souls take birth and angels praise in cosmic dance-
    their divine all-embracing Lord,
But She alone is above it all, and in sweet playfulness holds it tight.
  Her forehead is smooth and clear, radiant like the snowy mountain's brow.
Ablaze with cosmic light and love-pure compassion's eternal birth;
  Ablaze with the crest of supreme worth, arranged to set the worlds to right,
Culminating in a snowy cap, the liberation of countless earths.
Beyond it, above, Her being ascends,
  Cosmic eternal all-embracing.
Without form yet always there,
  The universe's unimaginable light.
Beyond meaning, beyoud thought -
  beyond the Gunas, and all matter,
There She exists, the eternal Lord,
  Parabrahma without end.
When this heart of mind beholds Her -
  automatically of itself gets up;
And playing with the fingers of its own desire -
  on the strings of its cosmic love
Singing of its pure existence and its devotion's unending flood,
  uncontrollable sings on, hymns of radiance joy and love, devotion inexpressible
                and radiant -
At seeing its Mother's eternal worth; and seeing its Mother's eternal Love.

SourcesS1. 1984-0100 and 0200 Nirmala Yoga, Page 22.