Poem ‘The tale of Herbert Crone’ from 1991-1004 Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Page 1

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This is the tale of Herbert Crone,
Whom, I suppose, if he had known
The proper way to handle life,
Would not have been in so much strife.

He usually started in the left;
A sorry mess, who quite bereft
Of any sort of self esteem,
Was rarely heard and seldom seen.

He lurked in shadows full of woe;
He never had a place to go.
If anyone should 'match a cold,
T'was usually him and ten days old.

And then one day a message came,
Addressed to Herbert Crone by name.
It simply said, "the time is right;
It's time for you to see the light".

Wake up young man and take your cue,
This clammy youth's not really you.
Go out my boy and make your mark.
Do twenty laps around the park.

Plan a journey; write a book.
learn to paint, to ski, to cook.
Express yourself, be a king;
Don't sit around: do anything.

And this he did, I'm glad to say,
He changed completely from that days
For now he's full of zest for life,
He's got a job and found a wife.

His plans a'plenty come and go,
He's always after more to do;
His energy is out of sight:
In fact, you guessed, he's in the right.

And so we hope another note
Will bring a kind of antidote;
From which some sense will surely enter
And push him back towards the centre.

SourcesS1. 1991-1004 Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Page 1, link Archive Post 13, Part 1.