1998-0000 Poem ‘Mother’s Love’ by Anna Purcell, Class X, ISPS Dharamshala from 1998-0600 Sahaj Amrit (Volume 2, Issue 1), Page 8
A woman is seated beside a cradle,
Therein a baby lies,
Softly she sings a lullaby,
To soothe it's anguished cries.
A lioness licks her baby cub,
And purrs in loving tones,
It's her job to give it love,
And listen to it's moans.
An eagle swoops down and snatches a mouse,
And glides to the perch of her young,
She has spent the day in scorching heat,
To feed her only son.
But what more could a mother wish for,
What more would a lioness want,
Would an eagle wish for anyone else,
To return to after a long day's hunt.