Poem ‘Only Human’ by Sidsel, Norway from 1999-07022 Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Page 5

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Sometimes I feel like a total human being
with all its faults
with all its weaknesses
with all its challenges
and with all its longings
but in other times I feel like a human being
with all its perfection
with all its strength
with all its sincerity
and with all its love....

Please Mother, come into my Illusion
and settle my dreams
so that the reality of Your Love
will fulfill my soul and my heart.

SourcesS1. 1999-0702 Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Page 5, link Archive Post 16, Part 3.

Story1999-0702 Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Page 5, Author's Note: "Jai, Jai, Jai Shri Mataji
Much love and joy rom Sidsel, Norway"