Poem from Dharamshala by Vidya, Belgium from 2000-0818 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 8

1 minute read


Your heart is opened if you can be
with anybody without judging
Your heart is opened if you just can
be a witness to anybody's act
Your heart is opened if you are joyful
by the sight of the joyfulness of
Your heart is opened if you feel love
and compassion from this heart
Your heart is opened if you listen not
to the voice of your mind but to
the one of your heart
Your heart is opened if it is this heart
answering and not your mind
and judgment
Your heart is opened if you can accept
anybody's imperfections
and love him anyway
Your heart is opened if this heart is
spontaneously generous
Your heart is opened if this heart
make you be where you have to
be, when you have to be
Your heart is opened if you can give
love to anybody else spontaneously
Your heart is opened if when listen
ing to anybody's suffering you
can just be thoughtless
Your heart is opened if when listen
ing to anybody's suffering you
feel only love and compassion
Your heart is opened if when listen
ing to another point of view,
you stay thoughtless and loving
When your heart is opened
The others hear Mother's voice and
not yours
The others feel Mother's love and
not yours
The others feel Mother's compassion
and not yours
Everything which was yours be
comes Her's when your heart is
Everything becomes silent, you are
only a witness, you become a beau-
tiful instrument of the Universe's all-
pervading love, whose Great Mother
is Our Beloved Mother who is within
and without, when your heart is

SourcesS1. 2000-0818 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 8, link Archive Post 10, Part 1.