Poem ‘Ode to the Conch’ by Lyndal Vercoe, Perth from 2002-0315 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5

1 minute read


O Conch.
You form of perfection
Who could imitate you?

Only inside us
There is an echo
Of that spiral form
Sounding forth that OM,
Winding through our lives
In this unwitting world
Which has forgotten
That note of quietude
Or the power of your song
Born in the dawn of creation when
Lord Siva
Gently pushed His Shakti forth
And in Her whirling dance
The Innocence was formed
On your long winding note.

We now can hear again
That pure untempered sound.
And can imagine how
When Durga raised you to Her lips
And blew divine breath through you
What dismay you brought
Her foes then In that swelling roar of sound
Having no hollow within themselves
They could not bear it.

And now we widen chambers in our hearts
In stillness to receive and send
Your golden caul of sound
Throughout the universe
At perfect pitch of praise.

SourcesS1. 2002-0315 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5, link Archive Post 10, Part 3.

Story2002-0315 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5, Author's Note: "Having recently had the opportunity to manufacture some of the weapons for the Devi in the play for Shivratri, I had some problems making the Conch. Out of this difficulty a poem came. Here it is."