Poem from 2003-0117 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 3

2 minute read


From the 26th December
We had one week to remember
A group of Yuvas went to Woodford for a stay.
There was a festival in town
Folks came from miles around
They were looking for something special to light their way.

With an inkling in their heart
They would find a brand new start...
A spark of love that could burn as eternal flame.
There were seekers and well-wishers
Feeling tense and superficial
At the end they could all learn about life’s game.
First we set about the stall:
We bulldog-clipped up a few walls
Lots of colour and some charts so all could know...
A few saris draped around
Some canvas for the ground
And our altar with our Mother out on show.

There was plenty there to do
Music and street shows: all new
A program full of distractions and interactions every hour.
They had poetry and plays
There was Dancing and displays
And in amongst it: a piece of Heaven, shining power.

A vortex formed around our tent
Of vibrations, Heaven sent
Attracting those who sought the truth about their life.
It was subtle, yet so strong
That ALL who came along
Felt the cool breeze, peace and love of the Divine.

They wandered in, not knowing why
And floated out on a new high
Feeling something in their heart, before unknown
The hardest of hard men
Wandered out with glowing grins
The seeds of light were being gently, softly sown.

Seekers received the Divine flame
Not knowing how or why they came
Different reasons and coincidences lead them there.
Hidden, masked and in disguise
They wandered in with curious eyes
Even men on emus were awakened, newly aware.

The calmness in fresh eyes
And the genuine surprise
Left all who sat in witness with a smile
Something special was on the rise
A Love nurturing and wise
Our Mother was truly flowing in tremendous style.

Next year we plan for a return
To give more seekers their turn
At the experience that will surely change their life.
They will all float on a cloud
And make our Mother proud
As they discover the eternal depth and truth in life.

The week was a special treat
Negativity suffered a huge defeat
In the final count over 500 got realisation
Strength and quality were the key
To our Mother: Jai Shri Mataji
It was a time of real joy and inspiration.

SourcesS1. 2003-0117 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 3, link Archive Post 10, Part 4.

Story2003-0117 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 3, from NSW ...: "This is a poem describing the experience of a group of Yuva Shakti who went to the Annual Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland from December 26 to January 01. We set up a Sahaja Yoga stall and had heaps of fun.

Jai Shri Mataji
Sean Daly"