2013-0725 Poem ‘Mother’s Eightieth Birthday’ of Joy by Guido Lanza

2 minute read


Mother do you remember?

Sorry of course you do how much we have
been longing you

Missing you ten thousand years in the land
of our fears

From the branches of the past like leaves
we have become dust in the streets of
time and space just for one your sweet

And today we have gathered here
to worship you like the wheat
in the season of the harvest
bowing to your lotus feet

But without your holy grace
how unripe still now we are
like a sea without the water
like the sky without the stars
like the wind closed in a cage
like a river in a glass
the overflowing of your blessings
all of us still now surpass

But although we are not ready
and still trapped into the play
we would pray your holy mercy
give us your embrace today

Let the spirit gently whisper
through our body and our mind
let our ears be not so deaf
and our eyes be not so blind

Let it fully imbibe our beings like the grass
under the rain
let it melt all our chains
let’s forget pleasure and pain

Let us be within the eternal
For a moment stop the wheel
Make us clear then a crystal
Make us stronger then the steel

Take us to the holy land
beyond the moon beyond the sun
where the joy is the only bread
where earth and sky are one

where the light becomes the ocean
let us all arise above
to understand one time forever
the real meaning of your love

Of that love that will remain
When all mountains will be sand
in an everlasting present
your pure love will never end

When the comedy will finish
and no passions will be alive
all the thoughts will disappear
and your love will still survive

For your love is the only reason
for your love is the only way
for your love is the only answer
let us be that love today

In this blissful celebration
of your eighty years of life
where you’ve been the best in all
daughter sister mother and wife

You are for us a great example
With your husband sir C.P.
For the world to realize how
Men and women have got to be
You’re a couple that’s enchanting
Evergreen and eversmart
You make silent every mind
You make joyfull every heart

And so all we your admirers
one last thing would like to say
Let us celebrate with you
Twenty thousand more this day!

SourcesS1. 2003-0300 to 0500 Hermes, Page 23.