Poem ‘Earth Vision’ by Katie Cartmel, Sydney from 2003-0516 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 4

1 minute read


After the deaths and destruction of all the evil,
The kundalinis rise all over the world
And through the broken egos of æons emerge.

The myriad single lights spontaneously mingle,
Creating one great blazing light of truth,
And all the people begin to see one another.

Together they grow in pure love and stature.
The snakes of ignorance held in their hands in the dark
They drop in amazement now they see what they are.

Where there was horror the Earth swallows it up,
Where there were floods the rains ease and clear,
Where there was drought the rains sweetly fall,
Where tornadoes raged the winds become gentle.

Rivers go back to where they were before;
The fires cease, soft greenness covers the black.
The people look at each other in light and wonder
As burdens of karmas of millenia now are lifted.

They see themselves and others in their glory.
Their grief for those who are lost is soon assuaged
With knowledge and understanding of the Whole.
Their sadness dissipates in the joy of the Spirit
And loneliness on Earth has ceased to be.

The maimed and the crippled are healed and pain is gone.
Shri Kalki, Jesus, has come again to cleanse.
He is the love, forgiveness, resurrection
Of the whole human race reborn in Truth.
He is the Judgement, and judges absolutely.

The meek in heart, the good, the innocent,
The loving, caring, sensitive and gentle
Inherit the Earth and joyful Earth responds
With total resurrection of Her glory.

The Garden of Eden returns for all the people
To love, enjoy, rejoice in and return
The love to God with grateful praise and worship.

You are the Love, Oh Mother, the Truth and the Law;
We thank you Mother, now and evermore.

SourcesS1. 2003-0516 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 4, link Archive Post 10, Part 4.