Poem ‘Dare We to Hope?’ by Gloria Webb, Cairns from the 2007-0817 The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Page 3

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Dare we to hope that our precious Mother
Will grace our shores again?
The over-turning of official barriers
Ensures no impediment in the way
Of facilitating Her return to us.
With what joy we contemplate
The opportunity to shower again
Our love and adoration on Her!
What pleasure we have in demonstrating
The depth of our love for Her!
We know in our hearts that She is pleased
With all our efforts thus far.
This provides us with the confidence
To create new and wonderful
Ways to worship Her.
The precious Darshan of our Beloved Mother
Is the impetus for our efforts to please,
To show afresh our devotion and love,
To af firm anew our dedication.
May we ever be in Her attention.

SourcesS1. 2007-0817 The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Page 3, link Archive Post 20, Part 3.