2019-0000 Poem ‘The Holy Spirit’ by Rosalyn Anne Tildesley, Congleton

less than 1 minute read


Yours is the Summer Rain My Love.
Yours are the rocky crags and peaks.
Yours the Sweet Meadows.
Yours is the World to Behold - and beyond.

Yours the moody storm-clouds beneath a sullen sky
Is that Your mood today?

The call of the young buzzard echoes across the vastness which is her world.
The Nature rolls out a soft carpet of green - so You may rest Your eyes upon Her.

We are Yours.
We came from You.
We will return to You.
Do with us as You will.
We offer You our deepest surrender, in that only can we be with You and share Your Joy.

When I surrender my last breath unto You - may we play together, in Your World, in child-like abandon.

Story2024-0701 WhatsApp message to CCT: "The poem was written during Summer 2019.
I wrote it after morning meditation one day at my home in Congleton, Cheshire.
The Summer Rain was gently falling outside my window and I’d felt close to Shri Mataji during meditation."