Poem ‘Avahan - invitation’ (inspired by Anil Panolil Chirikandoth) by Alan Wherry

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Please make me the detached witness to your divine play
Please make me the detached witness to your divine play

Let me know that aspect of Brahman in me
Let it merge into Parabrahman
And know that Brahman, Parabrahman and Kundalini
Are all three aspects of Shri Mataji,

She told me, taught me, showed me
And the buddhi which understood,
The heart that supports that experience,
All these are again Shri Mataji Herself.

Nothing else is important.
Everything is myth! Doesn't exist.
Like a dream in deep sleep
Like a dream in deep sleep

Or as when the power fails,
While watching a favorite movie,
When fully engaged with the characters and the script.
Even a speck of ego entertaining the idea that we know what Maya is, is dangerous.

Hence the prayer is:
“Shri Mataji, Please bless us with the faith and surrender, so we are kept safe in You and can witness in detachment everything around,
Till retained in this temple of Your's (that's in this body).