Poem ‘Targets’ by Alan Wherry

less than 1 minute read


Targets, objectives, goals
Short term, medium term and long term
A proven means to beat yourself up,
Make yourself miserable
A great way to avoid living the life you're
meant to live.

I'd rather know myself, be, live in the
What's the good of all that planning
When you might walk under a truck

No one who scaled the heights
Who exceeded their wildest dreams
Ever had targets, objectives, goals
All great ways to put the mockers on
being outstanding.

Integrate the heart with the mind
Anahat to Agnya
Spirit to Sahasrara
Live a life worth living.

Let karma work for you
Don't put up roadblocks
Let your Brahmarandra open
And connect to Ritambara Pragya.

Links L1. Link to the gallery of poems framed: Enlightened Poems Framed.