Poem ‘A tear’ by Dan Allen

less than 1 minute read


A tear, a falling raindrop from my eye.
Amidst the fluffy white clouds sprinkled throughout the sky.
Dazed an exquisite dove winged upon the ground.
Wondering why freedom has bestowed him, earth bound.
Mind, oh the rhyme of wanting to touch the highest peak.
Down along the struggle how the dove sang his weep.
Muscles honed as glass hesitating until the fall.
Ensuing with a downward plunge, how fast, as fast as rhythm he saw.
Then that split second, he'd risen up his beak.
He danced unto the sky for the freedom that he reaped.
Sing me, yes, that song little dove of your achievements that once was.
Tell me where has your piper gone, and of who this story is of.
Which of us has risen unto that sky above
And of who casts that teardrop that now, bestows life unto a bud.

Links L1. Link to the gallery of poems framed: Enlightened Poems Framed.