Poem ‘The Bully and the Ghost’ by Edward Saugstad

3 minute read


The Earth where we live is a very old place.
She has seen many things come and go.
From the left to the right, and right to the left,
The people have moved, fast and slow.

Here is a story about someone who's left,
And someone who went very right.
And how, when they met, everything for them changed
And they came to the centre of Light...

There once was a boy called Billy the Bull
Who walked with his nose in the air.
And when someone tried to show him their love,
He said that, "I really don't care!"

But deep down inside Billy cared very much
And he wanted to show that he cared;
But when he was small he was hurt and abused,
And now he was angry and scared.

Every time big, bad Billy went out in the world
To find someone small to pick on,
He hid in his heart a big ocean of love,
And wished that the hate was all gone.

One lonely night, as he lay in his bed,
Billy felt he's the worst in the world.
And as he sat up to shout out his shame,
He saw the small shape of a girl.

"What-who are you?" asked the boy in the dark.
But the little white shape hid and cried,
Till he walked 'cross the room and sat on the floor
And told her to sit by his side.

There in the dark, on the cold bedroom floor,
Sat the bully and the white fairy.
Billy was trying to stay calm and strong,
But really he found her quite scary.

"You need not fear me", came her quivering voice,
I'm a soul who has gone from this Earth.
When I was alive I was treated so bad
That I left, for I had little worth."

And as she moved o'er, as if to fly of,
Billy begged her to stay and cheer-up.
Just because you were hurt, it's no reason to die.
Why didn't you fight and bear up?"

"You think it is better to fight like a fool?"
Asked the shimmering shape by his side.
"It is better to run and hide from the world,
Than show-off your hate and false pride."

"What do you mean? Running off is for fools!"
But before he could say any more
The room filled with golden, grand, sunny, warm Light,
And the children were filled with great awe!

Before them, a Boy with an elephant's head
And the crown and the jewels of a king,
Stood smiling and shining like sun on a stream
With joy and sweet love o'erflowing.

"Take not to heart, all the pain that you've lived.
The dark ages of fear are to end.
For, coming to Earth, is the Mother's sweet Realm.
All the wounds and dark thoughts, She will mend!"

"Little sister, fly up now and wait till you're called.
A dear family is waiting for you.
You'll come back, a baby in loving, warm arms
In a world with hearts clear and true!"

"And my brother, you've also been lonely too long.
Come with me and I'll show you the times
That are coming to Earth, when innocence shines,
And all heart-songs, together, will rhyme!"

And up they did fly through great, wondrous dreams,
Till the whole world was laughing with joy.
Then down Billy bounced, into his soft bed,
Where he cuddled his favorite of toys.

When he awoke, with the sun in his eyes,
He looked out to see the new world.
Deep in his heart he saw, for the first time,
New hope shine for each boy and girl.

Links L1. Link to author's gallery of poems written and framed: Enlightened Poems, Framed - by Ed Saugstad.