Poem by Dan Allen

1 minute read


I once walked upon a beach, hoping God would hear.
The echoes off the ocean waves of a young mans falling tear.
I once ambled through a field, pining that God would see.
The shadow of an only man, lying hallow as a tree.
I once sat on a mountain top, with such appetence that God should know.
The dreams in this young mans heart, are pure as falling snow.
I once cast a stone afar and upon a ripple there rode a golden star.
I was in the state of stillness till the brink of the first wave.
With such vigor it toiled.
As a child in his younger days.
Oh, that I see this laudable dream.
for I had induced to my pond a magical gleam.
Though enslaved were the waves, in the stillness which withered them away.
We too toil our days, tell the wane away.

Then I imagine that I am the golden star,
riding this ripple of life.
Where in the midst of creation, God has cast a stone giving meaning to his pond.
I ride the ripple tell the conclusion on my days, when the
quiescence of Gods love brings a close to his play.
With love perfect, I would delight in rendering pleasure to God.
To be dear enough to him, that he bequeaths me life, merely to watch me play.
Though times are such, when in doubt.
One forgets that he rides in God's pond.
He thinks his life to be salient.
Rather than simply... satiating Gods desire to enjoy.

Story2024-0215 Author's email: "This poem was written about the time before I found Shri Mataji. I used to walk the beaches in San Diego and cry out to God, asking him to find me. I am not sure why I had such a longing but I remember it very vividly."