Poem 1 (on a painting) by Dan Allen

less than 1 minute read


In the beginning

When my Lord disappeared behind the tree of life,
When "I" was cast though the veil
When my love of matter slayed my love for god

                   Time appeared and held my hand

                   When knowledge covered over my innocence
                   When pleasure and pride filled my newly formed mind
                   When intellect formed a scab over my eyes

Comfort took hold of my reigns and guided my prancing thoughts

Where lays the crack in this veil The heart seems to know
What the mind can't perceive
I seek a n d sense it closeness
But every thought merely strengthens the separation

Story2024-0216 Author's email: "This poem is about the story on the original sin. I have thought about the story and what was the original sin? And also what exactly is sin? In this poem I am contemplating those questions." Links L1. Link to the gallery of poems framed: Enlightened Poems Framed by Dan Allen.