2024-0800 Poem ‘Yoova Groova Jumping for Joy’ by Edward Saugstad
The Yuva Groov-ah!
(a jungle-rap)
Inthe late twen-tee-ith century
We took our births—came round to see
What kind of things were goin’ down
Since we were here last time around.
We landed in the middle of
Ghor-kaliyug, where precious love
Was just a word in countless songs,
It’s divine meaning lost and gone.
It seemed the world stood on its head, And bad was good, and good was dead, And Innocence had been kidnapped, And Decency, stabbed in the back.
YOOva, yOOva, KEEP me in the groov-ah!
ShAkti, shAkti, FILL me up with bhakti!
Got to get the world back
On the cool, auspicious track!
But very much to our surprise,
As we began to op’n our eyes,
We realized our lucky fate—
Vibrations flowed and life was great!
We breathed a cool, enlightened air
That filled our hearts and made us care.
The shadows of mankind seemed small
Compared to this compassionate All.
When we looked up, the truth was clear,
Our Divine Mother waited here
For us to grow and leave Her mark
In every single human heart.
YOOva, yOOva, KEEP me in the groov-ah!
ShAkti, shAkti, FILL me up with bhakti!
Got to get the world back
On the cool, auspicious track!
The odds were high, the task was great.
Now there’s no time to hesitate.
Shri Mataji has op'ned us up
So we can fill up every cup.
We’re gathered here at the nick of time
To free the world and stop the crime.
The people stop, they op’n their hands,
And then they start to understand.
Many at first, could not believe
That so much Love from heaven could stream.
It’s easy with this wideband thing
Called Kundalini Awakening—
And that is why we gotta sing:
YOOva, yOOva, KEEP me in the groov-ah!
ShAkti, shAkti, FILL me up with bhakti!
Got to get the world back
On the cool, auspicious track!
YOOva, yOOva, KEEP me in the groov-ah!
ShAkti, shAkti, FILL me up with bhakti!
Got to get the world back
On the cool, auspicious track!