Photos Post 8: Second Annual Report
Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,
The website Eternal Moments has now 23,214 Photographs of Śhrī Mātājī, including versions and details (an increment of 2,150 since the last annual report), and 7,207 photos Moments of Joy (an increment of 3,724 since the last annual report). There are 26 (named) Collections with 21,753 Photographs of Śhrī Mātājī and 7,138 photos Moments of Joy.
The XYZ Folder of the Collections shall be completed by May 5, 2023.
So, there are more than 30.4K Photos and photos Moments of Joy uploaded to the website. When essentially completed, it is projected that the website will have between 60K and 5 million Photos and photos Moments of Joy, and each year we will reestimate these bounds.
We will start having short posts announcing new events for which Photos have been just uploaded. They will be grouped under two numbered posts: one on early Photos (before 1976-0101) and one on special or less known events.
Following in the footsteps of the Divine Cool Breeze website of Photographs, the download buttons for Photographs will be activated on May 5, 2023 (in the Chronology Folder to begin with). Accordingly, we will be using every opportunity to remind everyone about the delicate protocols that accompany the sharing of Photos. We really expect that all Photos downloaded from Eternal Moments will be exclusively used for worshiping and for the well-established Sahaja Yoga Projects, by which we mean projects which THROUGHOUT the history of Sahaja Yoga have been regarded as Sahaja Yoga Projects. Among these projects we explicitly mention the spreading of Sahaja Yoga via Public Programs or publications or dedicated, well-organized websites that have full self-control on their promotions. In particular, we do not regard websites or accounts that are either non-dedicated or are not well-organized or are promoted by third parties or mixed with other promotions as well-established Sahaja Yoga projects and as such our team would be very grateful to everyone if we could all refrain from downloading Photos and photos Moments of Joy and re-uploading them to such websites and accounts.
We thank you in advance for your understanding, contributions, help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
The Photo Subteam