Photos Post 9: Early Photographs (before 1976), Part 04
Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,
We are pleased to let you know that 9 Photos from the 1972-0409 Public Program, Dhule, Maharashtra, India, as of today the first Public Program with an audio tape, have been uploaded to Eternal Moments: 5 high resolutions from the Named Collections and 4 low resolutions received from internet or unknown sources. Other Photos from internet sources with an imprinted caption "© Sahaja yoga memories" have been regarded as 'highly edited' and as such they have not been uploaded. If you know anyone involved in 'Sahaja yoga memories', please kindly put us in touch, as our subteam would be most happy to start a proper collection of unedited Photos in a Sahaja Yoga Memories Collection.
One direct link to all 9 Photos: Chronology 1972.
[One Photo uploaded only on 2024-1202.]
Please kindly share the link and our email with all our brothers and sisters.
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
The Photo Subteam