Photos Post 15: Monthly Pūjās Updates, August 2024

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Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This month 25 new Photos were uploaded to 11 Pūjas as follows (12 high resolutions and 13 low resolutions).
(i) 1979-0100 Pūjā A: 3 low resolutions uploaded, link India 1979.
(ii) 1979-0100 Pūjā B: 4 low resolutions uploaded, link India 1979.
(iii) 1979-0100 Pūjā C: 2 low resolutions uploaded, link India 1979.
(iv) 1979-0127 Pūjā D: 2 low resolutions uploaded, link India 1979.
(v) 1979-1202 Guru Pūjā: 1 high resolution uploaded, link UK 1979.
(vi) 1980-0118 Pūjā: 1 high resolution uploaded, link India 1980.
(vii) 1981-0504 Sahasrāra Pūjā: 1 low resolution uploaded, link UK 1981.
(viii) 1982-0321 Birthday Pūjā: 3 high resolutions uploaded, link UK 1982.
(ix) 1988-0806 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā: 2 high resolutions uploaded, link France 1986.
(x) 1988-0820 Śhrī Viṣhṇumāyā Pūjā: 4 high resolutions and 1 low resolution uploaded, link UK 1988.
(xi) 1992-0203 Śhrī Mahāsaraswatī Pūjā: 1 high resolution uploaded, link India 1992.
Please kindly share the news and the links with all our brothers and sisters.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Photo Subteam