Quotes on Śhrī Mandodarī

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Please find attached the pdf file Shri_Mandodari.pdf obtained by searching for Śhrī Mandodarī and for the demon Rāvaṇa.

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Śhrī Mandodarī (“soft-bellied”) was the daughter of Mayasura (Maya), a dānava who was a greatly skilled architect and of his wife Hema. She became the queen consort of the demon Rāvaṇa as a boon given by Śhrī Śhiva to Rāvaṇa. Śhrī Mandodarī bore Rāvaṇa 4 sons: Meghanada, Atikaya, Prahasta, and Akshayakumara.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Quotes on Incarnations Team

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