Celebrating 30 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Nepal, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, Post 5

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Chastity Is The One Is The Power Of Śhrī Gaṇeśha

"In Sahaja Yoga we have to realize. Men also must know that if their wives are so chaste and so good, they must respect them. They should also realize that they have also rākhī sisters, which is that, 'We are very chaste people. We respect the chastity of a rākhī sister and we do not want to in any way to comply with anyone who does not respect the chastity.' Then the men also become chaste. When the women are chaste men also become chaste. And this chastity is your main power, is, this chastity is the one is the Power of Śhrī Gaṇeśha. And when you get this Śhrī Gaṇeśha's Power, you know how powerful you become with the innocence that is awakened within you.
So without the chastity, the women cannot achieve anything in Sahaja Yoga. One has to give up all the past ideas, all the past thing[s], and also the way there is bombardment from the newspapers, from the media, from everywhere.
Recently I read a beautiful book, so big as that, has come out that 'Media Versus America'. In that they have said that how this media has put ideas into the heads of women and men, decrying the utility of married life -- how they have killed the married life. They marry, then divorce; then marry, then divorce. The same thing goes on all the time."
1993-0518 Śhrī Fāṭimah Pūjā, You Must Learn to Respect a Woman Who Is Chaste, Mövenpick Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey

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Jay Shri Mataji!

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