Celebrating 30 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Nepal, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, Post 20

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Global Religion And Complete Wisdom In Sahaj Yog

"So the world divided into so many country [countries], so many races, uuuh so many languages and also their own thinking. To think of a Global uh Religion was only possible when people got their Realization.
So you are not in charge of Sahaj Yog. It's like government servants: they are supposed to be servants but they are the bosses. They become bosses.
So, the whole understanding should be of complete wisdom in Sahaj Yog."
1994-1105 Diwālī Pūjā (Bhāūbīj Day), Lights of Pure Compassion, Istanbul, Turkey

Suggested talk on vimeo: video

Jay Shri Mataji!

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