50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 5
Sahaja Yoga Is Our Aim, Is Our Dharma, Is Our Being
"Going to extremes is not Sahaja Yoga style: ascent is.
In Sahaja Yoga we have to go on changing our directions according to the need of the hour. You are not fixed quantity, rigid quantity. Most of the people think that we are so rigid that we cannot move this side or that side. The mobility of our movement is so great, I say three hundred and sixty degrees [$360^{\circ}$], because you are stationed in the center in your Spirit.
So first thing is that Sahaja Yoga is our aim, is our dharma, is our being. That is the main thing! And all the rest of the things come later."
1985-0310 Śhrī Devī Pūjā, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Links to suggested talk: vimeo1, vimeo2, youtube
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
Yearly Topics Team