35 Years of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma in the World and in U.S.A., Post 4
Nirmala Religion Which Is Formed Out Of My Teachings Of Love
"Today that's the big time that I have declared that it is the Universal Religion, the Nirmala Religion which is formed out of My Teachings of Love.
But it doesn't mean by any chance that you remain dwarfs! I'm not going to spoil you! I am not going to spoil you by keeping you dwarfy people. So, try to rise.
I have known a very great Saint called Gaganagaḍ Mahārāj who has fallen down completely. If a person like him can fall down, you also can fall down if you do not understand what is your worth, what is your value, and what is the position you are given.
So now you meditate upon this point that here we are to establish the Universal Religion of Ascent. Is a tremendous task! If I could do it alone, I would have done it. But I cannot. It's only through you I have to do it."
1985-0206 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Seminar, Bordi, Maharashtra, India
Links to suggested talk or full Pūjā: vimeo1, vimeo2
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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