50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 32

2 minute read


Wish You A Very Deep Growth In Sahaja Yoga

"Now, we are starting a New Year, and I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. [Applause.]
In this wish of Mine I also wish you a very deep growth in Sahaja Yoga. [Applause.]
Now, you all are Sahaja Yogis. And you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga. For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga, I'm sure you are doing meditation, introspection, and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say.
In this New Year, I'll think there is greater chance for you to do much better, because all those years of ordeals are over. [Applause.] We are now entering into the New Era. I say now the Satya Yuga is established. [Applause.]
But see, in Sahaja Yoga you cannot be hypocritical. If you have hypocrisy, Sahaja Yoga knows, the Divine knows you are a hypocrit. It is for your good, for your growth, you have to be in Sahaja Yoga. Is not for somebody else that you are doing it, but for yourself.
If you are a real Sahaja Yogi, then nothing can happen to you!
The joy of its creation is there. And you should be able to see it, feel it, enjoy it. Then you are a Sahaja Yogi. Otherwise you are not. If you are a reacting type, you cannot be a Sahaja Yogi.
This is a degree, Sahaja Yoga is. I think there are so many various styles of Sahaja Yogis. Somebody is just minor, somebody little p-plus, somebody is like that. But the depth of the Sahaja Yogi is to be measured by the way he keeps joyous and happy. Goes on criticizing others, go on getting angry with others, all these things are going on, and he thinks he's a Sahaja Yogi. In our Divine University we have no degrees, we don't give you certificates. You are a Sahaja Yogi, if you have got your Realization. [Touching the top of Her head:] If the Kuṇḍalinī has burst opened here, it's all right, you are a Sahaja Yogi.
This is one thing, is the desire of your Mother, that you should now take up Sahaja Yoga upon yourself! And go on telling about this to everyone who comes. I mean I don't want cheap popularity, but I do [laughing:] want Sahaja Yogis to be made everywhere."
2000-1231 New Year Pūjā (English+Marathi), You All Have to Become Masters in Sahaja Yoga, Kalwa, Thane, Maharashtra, India

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Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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