Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 7 on the Birthday Anniversary of Śhivajī Mahārāj

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Śhivajī Was A Very Dhārmik Man

"So, at the time, first time the Incarnation as a human being came on this Earth, as we say of this sustainance [sustenance], was of Śhrī Rāma.
But before that was uh-uh Vāmana Avatāra, which is the short man, a very short [man]. I mean, first the man was created as a short man. He is the first one as Vāmana Avatāra. And that One came as a leader, the first one was Vāmana Avatāra, and He was given the power ... He was given the blessings that He can spread into three worlds: so, into, into the higher worlds, into the lower worlds, and into the central world. That's how human beings uh got distributed into these three worlds. And a big, you see, problem started.
Like the house that moves wild, you know. Then it goes amok. Then you have to get all the things collected, put them right.
The original sin is the big problem. The biggest problem was that. Now to solve it up, one had to do all these things. So first the Vāmana Avatāra came.
After the Vāmana Avatāra came the Incarnation of a very tall and a hefty man. That was Paraśhurāma. That I don't know, in the Greek philosophy, if Zeus was Paraśhurāma, because it sounds like Zeus. Because Paraśhurāma is contemporary of Rāma Himself. Because somebody had to announce. You see, it is necessary that somebody must announce the Advent, at that time it was necessary. So Paraśhurāma came. The tall and a hefty man, who came on this Earth, maybe Zeus is called. I mean they are so confused that, you see, to ... to relate this to that, is another confusion. I don't know how, but looks like Zeus.
But He is the Incarnation of ... o[f] this sustainance [sustenance] force within us, sustainance [sustenance] force: the one that gives us religion, the one [that] gives us ascent. So He came on this Earth, you can say, at the same time as Rāma came. And then He appeared on the scene at a point where Rāma tried to break the bow which was given by Paraśhurāma. And Paraśhurāma wanted to find out the Incarnation. So He gave this bow to a King, whose wife, whose daughter was Sītā.
She was this central path of Mahālakṣhmī. She came on this Earth as the Central Power of Mahālakṣhmī. Later on She incarnated as the Mother of Christ.
Say, Mother of Christ is nobody else but Sa ... She is Mahālakṣhmī. She is Mahālakṣhmī, absolutely there's uh-uh-uh, was no doubt about it, that She is Mahālakṣhmī. But how will you know? When I see [say] She's Mahālakṣhmī you'll be shocked, that's all. But She is the Power of that, Complete Power in Her came.
Mother's family is, you must have heard about Śhivajī, his mother was Jījābāī, a very powerful woman. So My mother is from that family called as Jādhavas [Maratha clan]. From that family she comes. So I mean it's a uh family [laughing:] background is also so full of a, uh what you call rājasa, is the activity, you see, activity.
And Śhivajī was a very dhārmik man, very dhārmik, you see, very religious person and extremely, of a very broad-minded person. Uhm broad mind and the, what you call, a learned man. And his brother went down to the south and he started a very big library and the South [India] took so many things from Maharashtra.
So it's a country where, Maharashtra is a place where great things have happened. So it is called as Mahā Rāṣhṭra. Mahā means the great, the guh ... ne ... nation, the great nation. And in that area Sahaja Yoga is settled down [the] best."
1982-1029 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Manhattan, New York City, NY, U.S.A.

Links to suggested talk: audio1, audio2

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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